Writing – Copyrights and Trademarks Protect You

When most people think of writing a book, they don’t think

about Trademarks. However, I strongly recommend that you

leverage your writing for multiple purposes, and that’s why

Registering a Trademark for your concept is a good idea. Yew

uses their writing as the basis for workshops and other

products, it is in your best interest to protect your

concepts with Registered Trademark.

Paraphrasing the definition of a brand given in the

official website http://www.uspto.gov, a trademark is a symbol, a

word, phrase, or design (or any combination), used to

identify and distinguish the sole source of goods. Note

that a service mark has the same definition as a trademark,

except in relation to services rather than products.

You are not required to register a Trademark. Instead, you can

establish their rights over the Trademark with a registration of

legitimate use of it. However, there are several

advantages of owning a federally registered trademark.

Most notable is its main position if someone else

you should try to use your mark after your official

Registration date.

Regardless of whether you have applied to the

USPTO for a federally registered Trademark, you can use the TM

and the SM symbols whenever you claim trademark rights. However the

federal symbol for registration (circled “R”), you can only

be used after the USPTO has received your application,

processed it and officially registered his Trademark. one more

thing to note: the federal registration symbol can only be

used in connection with goods or services that are

specifically listed in federal documents.

Of course, there is a difference between the purposes of

Trademarks, copyrights and patents. Patents protect a

inventions Copyrights protect literary works or

artistic work.

Your work is copyrighted under common law when you

create it AND when printing the copyrighted work

notification included, you have communicated your claim to the

work. However, in order for it to be officially registered, you will need to

you want to register it with the Copyright Office. keep in mind

that the government does not enforce copyright. Yew

someone were to infringe, it would be up to you to protect

your rights through a civil lawsuit.

Contact the Copyright Office to obtain the forms. Call 202-

707-3000 and request copyright packet 109, or go to

website, http://www.loc.gov/copyright and complete the TX form. TO

To register your copyright for a book, follow these steps: 1)

Print the copyright notice on the copyright page (title

page). You can use the word copyright, but “C” in a circle

says the same thing and is necessary for international

protection. Also, add “All Rights Reserved.” The news

it must appear on all copies of the book to protect it. Tea

copyright must be in the name of the owner. 2) Post

the book. 3) Register your claim with the Copyright Office

within three months of the publication of the book.

The new copyright term is for the life of the author, plus

fifty years Since your property is part of your estate,

Mention it in your will. Everything is protected by

copyright (text, graphics, etc.), except titles. Titles

may not be copyrighted. However, does the title fit the

definition of a trademark? If so, can you say that

shape. An example: “Chicken Soup for the Soul” is a registered trademark

because it cannot be copyrighted. Actually, no one would use

that title by his own creation, but if it were not

Registered trademark, anyone could legally benefit from the use of the

phrase to market other products.

Cover all your bases and use whatever means are available to

protect your creation. By registering your copyright and

your rights in a Trademark, warranties are prepared if

someone tried to use your work as their own.

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