Weight Training For Quarterbacks: 3 Training Methods For Quarterbacks

The quarterback used to be known as the underdog of all the players on the field, but the modern quarterback, like so many other athletes, is a different breed. The need to build muscle, strength, and power is more important now than ever, which is why players and coaches alike are embracing weight training programs to help quarterbacks grow and play better.

However, many people are concerned about the effect that a quarterback’s weight training programs can have on his overall performance, and this is particularly true of the quarterback who relies on his throwing arm. Can weight training for quarterbacks reduce arm flexibility and make shooting difficult?

Below are 3 training methods to incorporate into your quarterback weight training routine to see maximum gains that won’t compromise your game.

strength and power

The key to building strength and power and gaining muscle mass in your quarterback weight training program is to lift heavy with low volume (meaning low repetitions). Ideally, you should aim for around 4 sets of 6-8 reps per exercise, with a focus on lifting as heavy as possible.

This principle of “progressive overload” is the technique bodybuilders use to pack on muscle very quickly.

Be sure to perform compound exercises like squats and bench presses that will give you better muscle strength and overall functionality, allowing you to throw farther and withstand stronger opponents.

It’s also best to use free weights whenever possible, as they give you better range of motion and work the smaller stabilizer muscles, which will increase the effectiveness of your throwing arm, rather than hinder it.

speed and agility

Improving your speed and agility will make a huge real world difference in your game. To do this, you need to focus on bodyweight exercises while using some form of weights – ankle weights, wrist weights, and a weighted vest are great for adding extra levels of resistance to your exercises, without slowing you down too much.

Bodyweight exercises like pushups, pullups, jump squats, and burpees are ideal for the quarterback looking to improve speed and agility.


The key to becoming more explosive is to change the pace of your exercises. Your quarterback weight training program should include routines where you incorporate a 1:3 ratio into your exercises.

For example, in the bench press, the part where you lower the bar to your chest is part “3” of the exercise and should be slow, then the top part of the exercise should be explosive and this is part “1”. Indeed, the descent must be 3 times longer than the ascent.

To do this effectively, you’ll need to use a weight that challenges you but isn’t as heavy as when you’re focusing on building muscle and strength. This type of training will improve your 40-yard time and give you the extra boost you need to move around and dodge opponents.

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