Three Secrets To Make Your Penis Bigger After 45

No, it’s not just young 20-somethings yearning for a bigger penis. Men of all ages are secretly wondering, “How can I make my penis bigger?”

Their reasons for wondering this are often very different: some really do have small penises, and their sex life suffers as a result. Others have perfectly normal penises, but feel they would be happy with an extra inch or two. And some men wonder how a bigger penis in their pants could change their lives, especially those men with a little maturity and sexual experience on their part.

We’ve all heard the saying that it’s not the size that matters, it’s what you do with it… But let’s face it, even if your partner is happy, if you’re continually thinking your penis is too small while you… You are in the act of making love, you are losing a lot of pleasure simply because you are distracted. In fact, it’s more than likely that just thinking about whether you’re up to the task will have a significant impact on your performance in bed.

The truth is that I know many men who have wanted to enlarge their penis and have tried many different solutions to achieve it. As a reviewer of many different penis enlargement solutions, both online and in the medical world, I have come across many hundreds of men who have endlessly searched for a way to make a difference in their penis size. And most successful men belong to a more mature category, who have the patience, experience, and intelligence to separate fact from expensive fiction.

One of these men is an old friend who has achieved quite remarkable success in his quest for a bigger penis. He was 47 years old and, although for a long time he was dissatisfied with the size of his penis, he thought there was little he could do about it other than unnecessary surgery.

But after a while, he decided to do some more research, and with the wisdom and confidence of an older man, he never tried to hide the fact that he was looking for ways to enlarge his penis.

“I never hid it, just because I didn’t see the need to,” he said recently, when I followed his progress for my own research. “I thought women get breast augmentation surgery all the time, and nobody questions it, so why all the fuss when a man wants to enlarge his penis?”

My contact found that many people immediately assumed it was just a male ego thing, or some kind of mid-life crisis, when he told them about his search. And maybe it is for some men, just as breast augmentation surgery might be seen as an image issue for women.

But whatever your reason for wanting a bigger penis, this man’s story should surely illustrate one thing: that men can find the support they’re looking for, and that effective penis enlargement CAN DEFINITELY BE DONE.

“Making my penis bigger has actually taught me a number of things, aside from the fact that it’s ultimately possible and permanent,” he said. “The first is that penis enlargement surgery is not necessary. Surgery is expensive and also very risky, even in cases where the procedure goes without complications. In addition, surveys have shown that most men who have gone under the knife are not satisfied with the results.

“I also learned that pumps don’t work. When I decided I wanted to start enlarging my penis, I bought a pump, and it wasn’t cheap either. They don’t work! They’ll help you get an erection, but that’s about it, and getting an erection has never been a problem for me, so the pump was just a waste of money.

But what about penis enlargement pills and lotions? Forget about them! “How could any pill or lotion make you a bigger penis? Now, if the makers of Viagra came out with a penis enlargement pill, I’d be tempted to try it, but otherwise, no thanks.”

Based on this man’s experience and my own opinion as a researcher and reviewer in the field, if you want a bigger penis, you have to be prepared to work for it. He achieved measurable results of three extra inches in length in less than a month with a simple penis exercise program, and he offers himself living proof that they work at the end of the day. He also said that he managed to find success by discovering three main things about how to enlarge his penis.

The three biggest secrets to choosing and following a penis enlargement program are these:

1. Provided you choose to follow the correct program, you can increase both the length and girth of your penis in just two months, although of course actual gains will vary from man to man. Age has no effect on your final results.

2. You don’t need to buy any kind of device; all you need is your hands and a bit of KY Jelly, and just because you’ve had many years of using your hands on your penis, this doesn’t mean using a slightly different technique won’t lead to massive results if you do it right.

3. Experiencing positive size gains will require no more than five to ten minutes per day. Any more than this and you’re wasting your time.

“I have never regretted enlarging my penis, and yes, in my case, it was about my male ego. I didn’t really need a bigger penis, but I wanted a bigger one. Now that I have what I wanted, I am happy, and in my books, that’s all that counts.

No matter what your own reasons are, making your penis bigger is your own personal choice and sexual right, and there are ways and means to get great results regardless of your age.

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