Talk to people, not machines

In this age of Facebook, Twitter, and email, crucial face-to-face communication skills have been lost or neglected indefinitely. There has been a sharp decline in face-to-face communication in favor of instant contact overload. Because of this, people are missing vital opportunities to connect and network.

Technology is great and I wouldn’t be without it. But face-to-face communication can give us some of the most enriching experiences. Human interaction keeps you alert and allows you to truly connect with another person, an asset that is completely lost in instant communication. Face-to-face communication is also the most effective form of networking that can contribute to your success. Here are 8 tips to help you with your face-to-face interactions today:

1. Initiate face-to-face communication.

Email is fast, but can be easily misinterpreted, leading to tricky situations. More information is conveyed with face-to-face communication. Especially if there is the possibility of conflict, meet in person to spread negative feelings and reinforce the understanding that we all have emotions and can be sensitive to problems. Meet in person to make real connections.

2. Be mindful of body language, facial expressions, and eye contact.

Use these tools to your advantage. Visually convey interest, openness and attention. Be sure to watch the other person for visual subtleties, but be careful not to misinterpret.

3. Don’t lose sight of the goal.

Social talk is good, but don’t forget why you wanted to initiate communication in the first place. Use face-to-face contact to help clarify your message. It allows you to ensure that the message is understood and well received.

4. Make the conversation count.

Do not get carried away by the topics. Pay attention to the conversation and the people involved. You want to be able to walk away remembering what was discussed and feeling that the interaction was successful.

5. Be real and sincere.

Be there in the present, not in your own head or, worse, on your phone. Stay alert to speak with confidence and interest. Give the other speaker your full attention.

6. Be sensitive to the other person’s time.

Don’t waste 20 minutes when you asked for 10, and don’t avoid trouble. Staying present will allow you to communicate clearly and contribute to a successful conversation.

7. Be prepared.

Know what the topic of the conversation is before you begin. If you are discussing ideas with a colleague or superior, know what you want the outcome of the conversation to be.

8. Face-to-face communication is collaboration.

Every communication is a give and take. Take the initiative to initiate face-to-face communication and give the other person your full attention.

Face-to-face communication is the most complete and powerful form of conversation. Don’t avoid it, embrace it and make it work for you. Don’t miss out on the opportunities that arise from connecting with another person.

Shirley’s Top Tip:

Feeling exhausted in the middle of your workday? Have what scientists call a ‘human moment’! Interacting with another human being gives our brain a stimulation that we do not receive from computers. Our brains have to interpret visual and vocal signals every second, which requires concentration and intellectual participation. It keeps our brain alert and alert and stimulates emotional reactions. A ‘human moment’ can give you that burst of energy you need and at the same time connect with another person, making your day feel that much more successful.

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