Sunscreen 101: What You Should Know About SPF, UVA, UVB, And The FDA

You applied the SPF 50 sunscreen last summer and you think you are ready to go for a walk, a day at the beach or relax by the pool, but you would be very wrong.

First of all, that “50” just means that without sunscreen you would burn 50 times faster, not that you’re 50 times safer. Also, if it is one year old, it is out of date. And taking a dip in the sea or pool, or just sweating it off, removes the sunscreen, so you see: you’re not sure at all.

And keep in mind that SPF only refers to how well the product filters out UVB (ultraviolet B) rays, not UVA (ultraviolet A) rays which penetrate even deeper and age the skin, so you won’t get help there. Both types of rays increase the chances of skin cancer.

Under new FDA guidelines, manufacturers must now add a 4-star UVA rating system on sunscreens: low, medium, high, or higher, plus a corresponding star. But don’t expect to see those new labels anytime soon; in fact, we may have to wait up to 18 months.

For now, the Skin Cancer Foundation says to look for at least one of these UVA-protective ingredients on the label: Avobenzone, Oxybenzone, Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide, or Ecamsule.

In the meantime, since more than a million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed annually in this country, pay attention:

1. Buy a new sunscreen annually and note that EWG (Environmental Working Group) determined that 84% of the 785 sunscreens on the market with an SPF rating of 15 or higher offer inadequate protection.

2. Look for those labeled “broad spectrum.”

3. Select only the best brands, as 80% of the nearly 1,000 brand-name products have been shown to “contain chemicals that may pose a health hazard or do not adequately protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays.”

4. Use sunscreen generously and apply frequently, about every two hours and after swimming or sweating.

5. Avoid the sun as much as possible, especially during the midday hours.

6. Don’t count on cloud cover to protect yourself.

7. Seek shade whenever possible.

8. Cover up. Along with sunscreen, put on a hat, wear protective clothing, like those offered by Coolibar, and don’t forget your sunglasses.

9. Remember that washing wears down the UV protection on specially treated clothing, so replace it occasionally.

10. Check your skin for changes, lesions, or blemishes, and see a dermatologist annually for a professional full-body check.

11. What is good for adults is also good for children; If one product is irritating or causes a rash, try another.

12. Babies 6 months and younger do not yet have protective melanin on their skin, so when there is no way to avoid the sun: cover them, use the canopy / canopy of the stroller and do not apply sunscreen completely, unless as directed by your doctor.

13. Look for new FDA-required labels in the coming months

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