Are there more charter schools in the future than Chicago schools?

Since George W. Bush was sworn in as President of the United States, he and his administration have instituted many federally-required changes to public schools across the country. Now, according to Margaret Spellings, the Bush administration’s education secretary, there may be more that directly affect Chicago schools and the state of Illinois. Currently, the states of Illinois, Michigan, and New York have the lowest limits on the number of public charter schools allowed. Illinois has the lowest limit of 60, then New York with a limit of 100 and Michigan with 150.

At one of Chicago’s charter schools in late January, Spellings stated that the president wants all school districts across the country to change their restrictions on the number of public charter schools allowed, giving school districts, such as the schools of Chicago, the ability to convert like many traditional schools failing to charter schools as they wish.

Chicago school officials see this as a positive move. Over the years, they have aggressively pursued the conversion of failing schools into charter schools. Currently, Chicago schools have 29 of the 30 permitted charter schools in operation. With 185 currently underperforming schools, Chicago school officials see converting to public charter schools as a possible solution to improve school performance. Otherwise, their only option is to make major staff changes, as they can only convert one more traditional school to charter under current state guidelines.

Chicago school officials believe more drastic interventions are required for these failed schools to succeed. Charter schools within Chicago schools have more freedom over their curriculum, budget, and scheduling than traditional schools. They also have more responsibility to the Chicago schools.

Opponents of the Bush Administration’s proposal to change the cap on public charter schools in the state believe the president is going too far. Lawmakers involved in drafting the Illinois ceiling are among those who oppose the proposal. The state teachers union also opposes the proposal.

Representative Monique Davis, who is a Democrat representing Chicago (and Chicago schools) and vice chair of the House Education Committee, stated in response to the proposal that Illinois lawmakers believe, like many others across the country, that charter schools are still in the experimental stage. Expansion of the number of public charter schools should be delayed until they demonstrate that they are a viable and successful alternative for the future. They just haven’t arrived yet.

Regardless of what Illinois lawmakers believe, the proposal will soon be in Congress. If the bill passes, the matter is out of the state’s hands, as the federal government can impose whatever mandates it wants by contributing federal funds to schools. This means Chicago school officials will soon be able to implement some serious interventions for their 185 underperforming schools.

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