Racial prejudice is a state of mind

People are often afraid of things they know little about. This is evident in the way that animals are killed rather than understood. It’s also the reason wars happen and military personnel can more easily kill their enemies if they don’t meet them on a personal level. However, living in a multicultural society is difficult unless one breaks those prejudices and joins the community.

In Australia we have a situation where people from all parts of the world are welcomed. They are accepted and helped by both governments and the people. For many of these immigrants it is difficult to assimilate because they bring racial prejudices from their countries of origin.

This is brainwashed from birth by parents who live in fear and are mostly mistreated by the governments of their own countries. They can’t change until something important happens that forces them to accept that not everyone is the same as what they left behind.

I realized this some time ago when the Spirit led me to talk to a woman at a local mall. She was sitting alone on a bench when I walked over and started a conversation. She seemed a bit taken aback at first, but then she warmed to me. When her husband arrived, he was delighted that we had a conversation and he asked me to be her friend.

Yes! That’s just what God wanted too. It turned out that she was pregnant and in the absence of her mother she asked me to be at the birth. For some time, it happened that the empty place in her heart for her mother was filled a little by my friendship.

However, there was much more to her story, and over the months that followed it all came to light. She was from Iran, which had been taken over by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, or Supreme Leader, after her king was deposed. The country was in a state of war with the West and the Iran-Iraq war followed.

The family sold out and fled to Turkey to escape the compulsory service of boys aged 12 to 14 who were forced to march in front of tanks to clear land mines. This lady’s brother was reaching that age. In Turkey they sent him to Sweden with human traffickers. She came to Australia with her husband, who had temporary residence, and her father returned to Iran.

The mother, however, was trapped in Turkey. She lived in constant fear of the police, who had a policy of rounding up fugitives from Iran and selling them at the border. When she was introduced to me, the difficult situation seemed impossible to resolve since many had tried to get her out of the country without success.

My reincarnation and link with the Spirit of the Universe gave me a channel of communication and it was God who took charge to free her and take her safely to Australia. He took time, but he finally made it to a flight that reunited her and her daughter after years of stress and separation.

When he arrived, he had paralysis on his left side due to a stroke that occurred on his way to Ankara and the Australian Embassy. When she touched her, she immediately raised her arm above her head as the healing took place. Her Spirit had already given her a dream of this happening and she was overjoyed.

The bottom line is that we don’t know who these people are who are forced to flee from tyranny and persecution, but God does. Instead of seeing them as strangers, we need to embrace them and delve into their stories. Many are afraid of their new country, wherever it is, because of what has been instilled in them from their homeland.

Racial prejudice is a state of mind and it needs to be overcome. Once we meet these people and interact with them, they have a chance to settle down and become friends.

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