Prenatal yoga: good for you, good for your baby

What to expect

Are you a yoga newbie and not sure what to expect in your new prenatal yoga class? Maybe you are a little nervous about trying something new? Do not worry! This is the place for you. You wonder why you have never tried yoga before.

First of all, if you’ve never done yoga before, you should definitely stick strictly to prenatal yoga during pregnancy.

If you had a solid yoga background before you got pregnant, then you can stay in your current yoga class with modifications during the first and second trimesters until your belly really starts to grow and expand. It’ll probably get in the way soon and that’s where prenatal yoga comes in.

First trimester

During the first trimester of pregnancy, you should do a very mild practice regimen or not at all. The reason for this is that you are at the highest risk of miscarriage during this time. This is also when most women feel the most nauseous and fatigued, which can make it difficult to perform any exercise, not just prenatal yoga. But sometimes, forcing yourself to get up and move around makes you feel better.

When to start

Most women outgrow initial hormonal spikes, fatigue, and nausea by the beginning of the second trimester. Naturally, this is the time that many mothers start their first prenatal yoga class. Attending your new class will be one of the most rewarding times of your pregnancy. You will feel close to your baby, as well as blissful peace and serenity as you tune into each breath.

Be sure to eat a good meal two hours before each class or a light protein snack. Pregnancy is one of the fastest ways to use blood sugar. Your body has a good source of reserves, but even the last bit of energy will support the placenta and the constantly growing fetus.

Third trimester

Now you are about to get over this whole pregnant thing. Uncomfortable? Your belly has stretched more than you thought possible and you are growing like a little person there! Being pregnant is truly a blessing, but you can’t wait for it to end.

This is the perfect time to develop your stamina and courage. A good prenatal yoga instructor will help you through these difficult times, encouraging you to expand your breathing and breathe through discomfort, similar to labor. That deep breathing practice will help you overcome any challenges you may face during labor and delivery.

Job preparation

Prenatal yoga helps prepare one for labor. One mother said, “Your prenatal yoga classes definitely helped me have a natural birth. Breathing helped me get through each contraction of labor; your advice on labor and delivery gave me the ability to deliver. And, twice a week, practicing yoga during pregnancy gave me the energy in my legs to squat down as I pushed my baby out into the world! We had the most incredible birth experience. “

There are many positions and stretches that you will learn throughout your classes that will prepare you for labor, help your baby get into the correct position, find comfort during labor, and even help with the powerful pushing phase of labor.

The light in me bows to the light in you

Each class ends with a Sanskrit greeting, Namaste, extending friendship, honoring and respecting one another. So, honor yourself and the blessing of your pregnancy and spend some time with mom and baby. Find an instructor who is trained in prenatal yoga and start enjoying this special time in your life even more while improving your health and well-being.

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