Plant dreams for a happy life

Plant dreams, pull weeds, and cultivate a happy life. What does that mean and is it possible? We all have dreams, but there is a lot of sadness, disappointment, anger and bitterness around us. How can I overcome all that to have a happy life?

How do we sow dreams?

Plant the dreams of happiness. Show others that there are some good and happy people out there to touch their lives. Plant seeds of joy. A lot of people are really surprised by the nice people who cross their path.

Do nice things for someone, especially when it’s totally unexpected. If you help a stranger, you may never know the impact you can have on that person.

Surprise someone. It can be just a small bouquet of wild flowers or an invitation to have a coffee and chat. It’s the act of kindness that warms the heart for both you and the recipient.

Put a note in your partner’s or child’s lunch box. Make them smile in the middle of the day. Include a good thought or saying that will give them food for thought.

Listen patiently to others who are in need of someone to talk to. When you really listen and sincerely care, they will appreciate the compassion. You may not be able to do anything for them, but a listening and open ear may be enough.

Do the common everyday things for your family with a happy heart. Those smiles and positive feelings are the recipe for a very happy family that can dream together.

How do we pull weeds?

Anger, disappointment, sadness, and bitterness are the weeds out there. It’s so easy to let those things go, if you choose to.

Avoid gossip. It’s usually hurtful, whether it’s intentional or not. Say only good things about people. Change the conversation if others are gossiping. Choose not to listen.

Don’t let negative people get you down. People say don’t hang out with negative and depressing people, but maybe these people need someone positive like you in their life to help them restore happiness in their own life. Make sure that the interaction is positive and doesn’t end up getting you down.

When negative thoughts and blah kick in, think of something nice and fun: pull out the weeds and see the flowers of happiness once more.

Do not be so hard on yourself. You have to be kind to yourself and be happy before you can help and influence others to do the same.

How do we cultivate a happy life? Do we now have a happy life?

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Happiness is not a goal…it is a by-product of a life well lived.” Think about it. –“Grow a happy life”– Life means ongoing. Being happy every day means living positive. He’s always working in that happy place.

You will learn to smile at the little things.

You will learn to release stress.

You will learn to be grateful for what you have.

You will feel good knowing that it touches someone’s life in a positive way. You can restore that person’s faith in humanity. You can put a smile on his face.

Plant dreams, pull weeds, and cultivate a happy life. Help others to do the same. Grow your gardens together! It really is easy and rewarding. Everyone involved feels good.

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