Limit financial loss due to pickpocketing

According to law enforcement agencies, identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the US, as well as other parts of North America. Most people believe that the number one cause of identity theft is online spam. However, this is not the truth. According to records released by credit card companies, around 50% of identity thefts that occur in the nation are obtained from lost wallets or pickpockets. In fact, most people become victims of identity theft due to wallet theft. However, one could avoid identity theft due to pickpocketing with a few precautions and keeping in mind some simple tips.

As a first step in avoiding identity theft as a result of a stolen wallet, organize your wallet properly. In other words, reduce your wallet by ridding it of unnecessary bills and receipts. This, in turn, would not only help you keep your important information organized, but also minimize the chances of wallet theft. It would be better if you carry one or two cards, such as credit cards and ATM cards, in your wallet. Also, if it is not necessary, avoid carrying information as sensitive and vital as social security cards. Just as important is properly organizing information like your driver’s license, library card, and gym membership card. It would be best if you take a photocopy of all the documents you carry in your wallet and keep it in a safe place at home.

Also, while on the road, use care and caution, especially when you are walking on a busy city street, crossing a street, and when you are in a busy airport or restaurant. Pickpockets mostly work in groups and so it’s important to be careful when someone tries to distract you by asking something like the route to a particular location, as this time can be used by another guy to steal your pickpocket and put you in trouble. serious problems. Similarly, keep your wallet close to you while shopping or dining with your friend at a busy restaurant. Also, to ensure the safety of your wallet, put it in your front pocket instead of your back pocket.

The ones mentioned above are just a few tips to overcome wallet theft and minimize the chances of identity theft.

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