Laughter: the free wonder drug

I know, the last thing you think about, or even the last thing you want when you’re looking at the abyss on the horizon or even dangling from your fingernails as you slowly descend into the depths of hell, is – hmm… I could use a good laugh right now. “I don’t have time for that nonsense” or “can’t you see I’m in so much pain” could be the reaction to “hey, let’s laugh.”

But for those who truly want to conquer their state of affairs, reshape a situation, or experience a new tolerance for their circumstances, then laughter is a healthy and well-documented gateway to success in dealing with or overcoming their problems.

When doom looms, take a break and laugh.
When darkness descends, call a comical friend.
When sadness accumulates, check out the fun pages.
When the abyss calls, turn on the boob tube or YouTube, unzip your pants, and let loose.

Laughter is an important tool in the “personal mastery” toolbox. And it needs to be worn, polished and cared for to keep it working well and serving you at its best. So when a fluke strikes, pull out your giggle tool and let it work its charm.

By taking a break from your stress, you can count on the fact that your problems will be waiting for you when you’re done laughing, just like the dirty dishes. But if you feel lighter from laughter, your problems may present a solution or illuminate a different perspective. If you feel happy, you can even “Whistle while you work” and do the dishes.

Laughter is not the answer to your problems, but it is the gentle thing that soothes a troubled soul and a place of rejuvenation. It gives you a break from the tribulations of life. She is one of the many gifts that we humans have. She costs nothing, but she pays tremendous dividends, as guilt neglected is the gift she keeps on giving.

This is what I do
When I’m dealing with one of the chronic crises of my life, I take a break and turn to my YouTube favorites and laugh. My perspective changes and I am more able to solve the problem (or whatever the situation requires). Sometimes I even watch the Sham Wow/Slap Chop commercials, but hey, it works just for me. Here are some other hilarious tricks I use to make myself laugh out loud and slap my knees like a speeding bullet.

laughing babies – Who doesn’t smile at least at laughing babies? And before you know it you’re laughing at yourself. There are some amazing examples on YouTube. Grab a cup of coffee on a rainy Saturday morning, explore it, and prepare to laugh, laugh, and laugh out loud all morning.

George Carlin, Chris Rock, Wanda Sykes, Robin Williams, Joan Rivers and more – These kings/queens of comedy are brilliant at their craft and make you think too. Once again, YouTube has a wealth of material to choose from.

1. YouTube is a great place to create a “favorites” folder so you can access it in an instant.
2. Get to know the comedians in your life – watch how they view and respond to the world.
3. Take an improvement class in Second City.
4. Create a fun trick for a family or friends gathering.
5. Join or watch a comedy troupe for a vacation from life.

Remember that we are what we focus on. So in times of stress, challenge, or pain, take frequent breaks, buckle up with laughter, and take a ride down the laughter highway.

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