Lasting longer in bed is possible with the training of the physical ejaculatory reflex

For many men, it would be a dream come true, if they could last another five (5) minutes before ejaculation, during intercourse. If the latest news is to be believed, this dream can be realized by applying PERT (Physical Ejaculation Reflex Training). Of all the “cures” that have been offered to cure PD, PERT appears to be the most promising. After all, lasting longer in bed may not be far off. This is what PERT offers.

1. Strengthening and Training of the Muscles of the Pelvic Area.

There are certain muscles in the pelvic area that are actually in charge of carrying out the ejaculation process. If you are going to gain control over the timing of your ejaculation, you will know these muscles and how to control them. There are special pelvic muscle training techniques that will give you better control over the ejaculation process.

2. Relaxation techniques of the ejaculatory reflex.

In order to enjoy the benefits of lasting longer in bed, you must know these reflex relaxation techniques. This is done by keeping these muscles in a relaxed but controlled condition. The result of this is that it becomes impossible to ejaculate until you decide to do so. Although it is not something simple, reflex relaxation techniques can bear very good fruit. This is a very effective way to control premature ejaculation and give your wife a better sexual experience.

3. Breathing techniques for better sex

Not all men know that proper breathing techniques will help them last longer during sex. However, this is true. Proper breathing habits can help calm the arousal and ejaculation process. Relaxing breathing during sex can help a man. It would also help, if you are not completely out of shape, as you will tire easily and negatively affect the ejaculation process.

4. Anocutaneous reflex – Penile sensitivity training
One of the wonderful features of the human body is the tendency of the pelvic muscles to tense when the head of the penis is stimulated. This facilitates ejaculation. However, it is possible to train the head of the penis to be less reactive to stimulation, although this cannot be completely eliminated.

If you can train your body not to react 100% to stimuli from the penis, you can reduce premature ejaculation. This is achieved because training will return your ejaculatory muscles to a more relaxed and controlled state. This is another effective technique that should help any man looking for ways to last longer in bed.

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