Your car accident attorney needs your help

Even the best car accident attorney can’t win your case or help you reach a reasonable settlement if you don’t help. To get results, you must be ready to present your case with as much relevant information and facts as possible. Here are some ways to help your legal professional handle your case smoothly.

After the accident, if you and the other parties are able, it is important to exchange insurance and personal information. Write down information about any cars involved in the accident, including color, make, model, year, and license plate number. If there are witnesses, get their personal information as well. Their testimonies may be the most valuable evidence in the case. Call the police to the scene and have them take a report, then be sure to get a copy as soon as it’s available. If you have a camera with you, or even have a camera phone, use it to take pictures of the damage and the scene.

Once you get home, you’ll want to write down as many details as you can remember, no matter how trivial. The weather, the people around you, landmarks in the area, and even the color of nearby cars can all be important. Small details can add credibility to your case, so it’s important not to wait to record the incident. If you wait until you speak with a legal professional, you may forget or make mistakes, which can later be used against you in court testimony. If you don’t remember something clearly, write what you can and be honest. Your car accident attorney will help you resolve anything you can’t remember after reviewing the case.

If you are having trouble explaining or remembering parts of the incident, reconstructing the scene with props or a drawing can help you and your car accident attorney fill in the gaps or answer questions. Draw a map on a flat surface complete with street names and major landmarks, then use some car accessories. By visualizing the incident, you can better build your case and build your arguments. You may even be asked to do something similar if your case goes to trial.

Keep all documents organized and close at hand, ready to give to your car accident attorney if requested. This includes photos, police reports, and phone numbers of witnesses or other involved parties. If you are taken to the hospital, keep all medical records as these will also be important to your case.

Above all else, the most important thing to do is listen to your car accident attorney. The sooner you hire one, the better, as their purpose is to help you to the best of their ability. Refrain from talking to police, insurance agents, and other parties without first consulting your attorney. It is especially important to prevent a conversation from being recorded without the presence of your legal representative or without your consent. You do not want to incriminate yourself or risk losing compensation.

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