Wheelchair golf for disabled golfers possible on swivel chair golf carts

Many people don’t know that many disabled golfers can play golf in specialized wheelchairs or carts. As word spreads, more and more golf courses are purchasing specialized single-passenger golf carts and swivel-chair golf carts to make them available to golfers with mobility issues who want to play wheelchair golf. wheels.

Courses that assist disabled golfers by making these wheelchair carts available also use handicap flags so they can bring the carts onto the greens and not have to go off the fairway at certain points as would normally be necessary.

The carts have a swivel chair design and are weight balanced. They can traverse difficult greens and bunkers. The carts are around $7500 or so. Many golf courses still don’t have them. Once there is a high demand for cars, the courses could invest in them. There are several hundred courses now that have carts.

Resort golf courses want their courses to be as accessible as possible for golfers with disabilities. Other courses will follow suit as demand increases. Future golfers should call their local courses and start requesting these carts. If they get enough questions, courses could invest in them. But they will wait for the lawsuit in some cases.

Some courses share cars with each other. Then, with advanced arrangements, the cars would move to the designated field and be available for the tee time. Vacationing families love these handicap golf carts. It has changed the way disabled golfers take their golf vacations. Myrtle Beach golf courses and North Carolina courses have been using them extensively. That makes a Myrtle Beach golf vacation a great destination for a disabled or special needs golfer or anyone who has to use a wheelchair off the course.

Many course owners are reluctant to allow disabled golfers, who have their own carts, to use them on their courses for various reasons, including damage to greens and liability. And the cost of the carts is out of the question for most golfers anyway.

There doesn’t seem to be any downside to having these swivel chair carts out in the fields, because they really are built to be harmless and handicap accessible. So having these wheelchair golf carts available for disabled golfers is a better option. So for the millions of people with disabilities in the US and Canada, it’s a great start.

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