What to do when you see the red ring of death

Does this sound familiar to you? You’re enjoying a covert ops game and just when you’re about to get the most headshots achievement with a pistol, your console dies. The only sign of life is a red glow coming out of the front of your console, too bad you have the red ring of death. This is what you need to do next.

1. Don’t panic. There is no need to rush out and buy a new console. The red light of death can be fixed at home. Many times it is something simple that is causing the problem. Read the following steps carefully and they should help you resolve to fix your red ring of death.

2. Turn off the Xbox at the main power source. Leave it for a few minutes before turning it back on. Sometimes a power surge can take your console offline and this simple trick will reset the system. You may want to consider investing in a surge protector to help prevent this problem in the future.

3. Take a moment and check all the cables that go to your console. Are they well placed? Are they damaged or worn? When the Xbox cannot detect the a/v cable, you may see the red ring of death. If necessary, you should either replace the cable or borrow it from a friend until you can get a new one.

4. Check your Xbox for signs of overheating. This reason alone causes the red lights on your Xbox to show thousands of times a year. If your console is prone to overheating, it’s possible that where your Xbox is placed isn’t getting enough air. It might also be a good idea to buy an additional fan for it. This will significantly reduce the risk of the red ring of death.

5. Check your warranty if it is still valid, then Microsoft will repair your Xbox free of charge. However, if it’s expired, you could end up paying around $150 to have them do it. Either way, you’ll be without your game console for about six weeks.

6. The last thing you want to try is to fix the console yourself. This is easier than you think as long as you use an Xbox 360 repair guide. Using such a manual will make the repair process so simple as they use videos along with step by step instructions. Following a guide on how to fix an Xbox will have you back gaming in no time.

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