Using shower head water filters when renting

Rent, instead of owning a home, is constantly increasing. One of the benefits of renting is that major repairs are often the responsibility of the landlord. But what about matters that don’t fit your landlord’s definition of “major”? One of these could be the quality of your bath water. You know that getting shower head water filters can transform your showers into a much more pleasant experience, but do you have the legal right to install them in your rented bathroom?

Usually yes

Although you should always check with your homeowner for more details, most homeowners will allow you to make minor, non-permanent changes to your bathroom fixtures. And the installation of shower head water filters can definitely qualify as non-permanent changes. With many types of shower head water filters, you don’t even need to hire a plumber or hassle the owner to install them.

Shower head water filters have come a long way in the last decade. They used to be huge systems that looked a lot like small water heaters. But you no longer need those huge water filtration systems to have a healthier and more pleasant shower. There are many types of shower head filters that easily screw onto your existing shower head.

Your landlord will not pay for the shower water filter. However, most of the quality small filters you would need cost less than $ 50 (US), so you won’t risk not being able to pay the rent because you want a decent shower for a change.

Some types of showerhead water filters have free trial periods of one or two months to see if there is a significant improvement in your shower experience. With a few minutes of online shopping comparison, you can find these companies easily.

When your water needs help

How do you know that your bath water is not the healthiest for you and your family? It is quite easy to find out. And remember, just because you don’t drink this water doesn’t mean it won’t get into your body. Anything in that water enters your body through your skin absorbing it.

When you try to shower:

o Does the water smell very bad?

o Can’t get a decent lather with your soap and shampoo?

o Is your skin itchy or red after you shower?

If any of these things happen, then you should consider purchasing a shower water filter.

You never know until you ask

It is always best to ask the landlord for permission to install a water filter in the shower before you go ahead and do so. Some will ask you to take it off when you decide to leave the house. The shower head filters should come off immediately, making them easy to remove. And some owners don’t care!

But most landlords appreciate receiving some type of feedback from their tenants on home improvements, especially if you are willing to pay the water filter bill. Show that you respect the property you are renting.

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