The miraculous lives in your righteous conscience

You have heard the stories; You’ve seen the TV shows and YouTube videos of the miracles that still take place today. He has undoubtedly seen the blind man see and the invalid woman in the wheelchair jump and walk. How about a man who instantly grew a new eardrum after being deaf in that ear for 54 years? Or a woman whose muscular sclerosis suddenly disappeared or a woman who was cured of asthma after more than 50 years? Do you think those things still happen today?

If you do, then it is very likely that your belief in the miraculous comes with a side of doubt. That is, you may believe that it is possible that that television preacher lays his hands on the sick and they recover, or that that famous healer from the gigantic church performs the supernatural on a weekly basis. However, your belief, of course, stops before you.

If someone asked you to come down to the front of the church and lay your hands on the sick and heal them, panic would overwhelm your body and disbelief would seize your mind, and this is the problem.

In the pioneering book, “The Consciousness of Justice: How to Unleash the Power of God Within You!” The author explains that the power of God and the supernatural touch of our Lord Jesus Christ is in all of us who have been saved. Once born again, you are his likeness; you can do what Jesus did while walking the earth, and even greater things than what he did. The Bible makes it clear in John 14:12.

“I assure you, very solemnly I tell you, if anyone firmly believes in Me, he himself will be able to do the things that I do; and things even greater than these, because I go to the Father.” — John 14:12 (AMPC)

It does not depend on your own confidence in yourself and it is not about whether you have or do not have enough faith. The supernatural is within your own consciousness. It is not about your faith to believe in a particular situation; it is about existing, walking and living in the continuous awareness of God’s justice.

Salvation involves much more than the forgiveness of your sins. Jesus changed places with you; not only taking her sin, but He gave her His righteousness. However, most of us only think and focus on the sin side of the equation where Jesus forgave our sins and therefore we must avoid sin. This “consciousness of sin” is the problem. Instead of an awareness of sin, we need to focus on and actualize the awareness of righteousness.

The above miracles, by the way, are true. Mark lost his left eardrum when he was six years old. The eardrum reappeared during a small Bible study meeting.

Linda suffered from severe asthma from the time she was born until she came to a small Bible study class. Now, for the first time in 52 years, and to the amazement of her doctors, Linda threw away the medications and respirators.

These miraculous events, and many more, did not occur in a megachurch or on a multi-million dollar television broadcast, but in a small Bible study session at the author’s home.

Miracle healers are not special people; they simply live in the awareness of righteousness, as you can too.

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