The Calgary Stampede and Exposition

The Calgary Stampede and Exposition is rich in tradition and is also known for the cowboy vibe that takes over the city, everyone pulls out their cowboy boots and Stetsons for the 10-11 days of fun. This year (2006) begins with the Calgary Stampede Parade on July 7th. Dedicated volunteers and supporters from the Calgary community present the largest Western parade in the world as the start of the “Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth” to more than 350,000 en-route spectators and a global television audience.

In 1912 the great Stampede of Guy Weadick’s vision was born. Guy was a famous cowboy and vaudeville performer who appeared on the traveling Wild West shows that were popular around the world in the early 1900s. He was a man with a dream of celebrating the romance of the old west. The stampede we enjoy today has evolved from Guy’s vision. He was successful because he understood that no matter how much things change, we must believe in the way things were. Every year the Stampede reminds us that Guy was right; Fundamentally, we believe in the same Western values ​​today as our grandparents in 1912.

In the early 1920s, the Exposition part was added to the Stampede, giving western farmers and ranchers a showroom for their horses and cattle. This was also later expanded to accommodate all farm livestock, be it two-legged or four-legged. This year 2006, the agricultural portion of the Expo has been labeled “City Activity Day” to help celebrate Alberta agriculture. Producers of cattle, canola, chicken and even eggs will be available. You’ll see beef on the hull, enjoy some Alberta beef, and grab an “I Love Alberta Beef” bumper sticker. That should impress the people of Long Island, although perhaps you should exercise discretion when exhibiting in the cattle country of Texas!

Every year there are hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world who come just for the Stampede and the Exposition. Among those visitors are a number of RV caravans heading north from the US on the long drive to Alaska. Some of these caravans have over a hundred units of all shapes and sizes and their tour is scheduled to arrive in Calgary the day before the parade, which is always a Friday, and stay for the weekend, departing on their trek on Monday for the morning.

A highlight of the show is, of course, the Rodeo. The Calgary Stampede rodeo pays out some of the biggest prizes in the sport, always attracting the best riders and ropers from around the world and many of its winners have won the National Finals Rodeo in the fall.

Like any sport, the rodeo has its fair share of spills and thrills, talented athletes, and unsung heroes. In addition to horseback riding events, bull riding is always a great attraction. The ladies have barrel racing competitions. For comic relief (except for contestants) there is a wild cow milking event. Every night there are chuckwagon races, followed by the Grandstand Show.

In case you don’t know rodeos, here’s a little “Rodeo 101”. There are two main categories of events, time trial and timed. Bucking is where most of the thrills, spills, and crashes happen. Bucking events cover bareback and horse riding and bull riding. In all three events, the cowboys hold on to their lives as they try to control the movements of their animal and themselves. By the way, the contestants’ “spurs” were nothing more than a smooth disk and had no effect on the animal. They wear them because the rider is judged on the smoothness of their ride and their spur technique while holding onto a saddle or rope with one hand. These represent half of your points, the other half is awarded for how hard the horse or bull tried to push you. To complete the trip, it must remain on for 8 seconds; that’s a long time on the back of a horse or bull.

Barrel Racing, Steer Wrestling and Rope Tying are the timed events at rodeos. The ox fight and mooring rope are inspired by the real work that is done every day on the ranch. In the steer fight, a steer (beaten on the butt with a straw hat) is released from his pen. When he reaches the end of his head start, a breakout rope automatically releases the barrier rope in front of the cowboy, allowing him to run after his horse’s steer. He walked down the right side of his horse, reaching for the calf. Once he has grabbed the horns, he leaves his horse (which is galloping at full speed) and digs his heels into the ground to stop the animal. Using the leverage and momentum of the moving steer, the steer fighter rolls the animal sideways.

Being fast and precise with a rope is not the only requirement on the lashing rope (also called a calf rope, but they are big calves!). A successful runner must also be an experienced rider and fast sprinter. After tying (tossing a lasso, back to a full gallop, each rodeo event is done at a full gallop!) The tying, the cowboy dismounts quickly as his horse backs up enough to maintain tension on the rope, He runs to the animal, picks it up, turns it on its side, and ties up any three legs. Once he completes his tie, remounts his horse and allows the rope to be loosened from the noose, the animal must remain tied for six seconds. It is important to note that contestants are fined for any unnecessary roughness.

For the final timed event, Barrel Racing, contestants must circle three barrels in the shape of a clover. The rider or horse can move a barrel, but is given a five-second penalty if either of them knocks over the barrel. The best time wins in this extremely athletic event for both horse and rider.

The Chuckwagon Races were taken from actual cattle tours, when the cart was loaded, the tent was dismantled and the cook led his team before the road to where the herd would be housed for the night. Sometimes there were two or three ranches driving together. The cooks competed with each other to find the best place to set up camp. Chuckwagon’s races at the Stampede are billed as “Half a Mile from Hell.” Each chariot has its driver, a team of four horses, and four escorts (cowboys mounted on their horses). That is, four chariots, four drivers, 16 horses, and sixteen escorts, all competing for the same space next to the railing while running at full gallop. a half mile track. There is a very loud air horn that sounds to start the race, there is an announcer going crazy over the public address system while calling the race, the cars and horses are thundering around the track and the crowd is standing at the end screaming like crazy. Sounds crazy? Yes. Exciting? You have to see it to believe it. There is nothing like it. And in five minutes, the next race is on and it starts again!

People travel thousands of miles each year to enjoy “The Greatest Open Air Show on Earth.” They will reserve their rooms for next year before going home this year. It is enthusiasts like these, from far and near, who continue to make the Calgary Stampede and Exhibition what it is.

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