The A-H1N1 swine flu likely originated in a US laboratory.

When the first reported cases of A / H1N1 swine flu emerged in April 2009, it was widely believed that the new strain of influenza originated in Mexico. In late June, when evidence confirming a Mexican origin could not materialize, a new theory hypothesized that A / H1N1 originated in Asia and was inadvertently transported via an unsuspecting human carrier to North America. However, this is probably not the case. Instead, it is likely, though not confirmed, that A / H1N1, is a genetically engineered creation that originated in the United States, specifically from a laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin, that accidentally escaped through some form of contamination.

The evidence for this scenario is compelling:

1. Prior to the A / H1N1 outbreak, the Institute for Molecular Virology (IMV) located at Bock Labs (managed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison) had been involved in a transmission capacity study for vaccine production. This study involved reverse genetic engineering of a tissue sample that had been extracted from a deceased Intuit woman who had succumbed to the Spanish flu that had killed 50 million people during the 1918-19 pandemic.

2. The current version of A / H1N1 is a never-before-seen “very unusual virus” that combines genetic material from human, avian and North American swine flu and Eurasian swine flu.[1] Such a combination is unprecedented, as it has never been found in pigs, birds, or people according to The Associated Press, and it likely did not arise naturally. When the fact that there is no close relative to the current strain and IMV’s mission to carry out virological research and training at the molecular level is taken into account, creation by artificial genetic engineering offers the best explanation.

3. Retired Australian researcher Adrian Gibbs, who played a leading role in the development of Tamiflu®, a highly effective anti-flu drug, theorized on May 12, 2009 that the new strain of A / H1N1 likely escaped from a laboratory because it showed characteristics “of having undergone ‘accelerated evolution’, such as what happens when influenza viruses try to adapt to growth in eggs” during vaccine studies.[2] Although the World Health Organization (WHO) quickly dismissed Gibbs’ theory a day later, it is unlikely that enough research could be completed to determine a conclusion in just 24 hours.

4. When the existence of A / H1N1 became firmly established in the United States on May 10, 2009, Wisconsin and Illinois had nearly one-third of the nation’s cases. Since then, Wisconsin has consistently led the nation despite its population of 5,627,967 according to July 2008 estimates compared to the largest states: California, Texas, New York, Illinois and even Michigan with July 2008 populations of 36,755,666 , 24,326,974, 19,490,297, 12,901,563 and 10,003,422, respectively. . As of June 12, 2009, when the spread began, Wisconsin and Illinois still accounted for more than a quarter of the cases in the United States. Demographically speaking, this disproportionate number of cases makes little sense. However, when Madison, WI is considered to be the point of origin, the case load from two states provides incontrovertible evidence of virus initiation. When A / H1N1 likely escaped from IMV, it immediately affected the city’s outskirts and nearby locations, including Illinois (since a significant number of Wisconsinites travel to that state every day) before spreading to Mexico (likely transmitted by a U.S. citizen from the Granja Carroll pig farms located in La Gloria, where the first case of A / H1N1 is believed to have occurred, is a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, based in the United States), other parts of the United States and ultimately much of the rest of the world.

Bulletins from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):

5/10/2009: Wisconsin: 357 cases (14.1% of the number of cases nationwide); Illinois: 466 cases (18.4% of the number of cases nationally)

12/6/2009: Wisconsin: 3008 cases (16.8% of the number of cases nationwide); Illinois: 1983 Cases (11.1% of the number of cases nationally)

5. To date, the pandemic A / H1N1 2009 version of swine flu has not been found to be endemic in global pig populations, discounting theories of natural mutation and initial transmission from pig to humans. Additionally, none of Wisconsin’s pig populations have tested positive for the new A / H1N1 strain currently affecting the world.

6. Statements and actions point to prior knowledge. As early as April 25, 2009, when the new A / H1N1 strain was officially detected in only 3 states (11 cases), one of the CDC’s top authorities, Dr. Anne Schuchat, stated, “We don’t think we can contain the spread of this virus.. “By April 28, 2009, Vice President Joseph Biden ruled out the quarantine of Mexico citing limited benefits since” the swine flu virus [had] it has already penetrated many states “(64 cases in 5 states). An immediate quarantine when news of the A / H1N1 outbreak in Mexico emerged on April 23, 2009 was probably not implemented because the CDC and top government officials from The US had already been alerted to the accidental release of IMV and the ensuing unconfirmed and undeclared infections. A quarantine made little sense as cases were rapidly evolving in the United States and because such a step would likely have raised suspicions when such cases they will be confirmed and notified later.

7. The new A / H1N1 virus samples were already present at the CDC prior to receiving the Mexican samples. According to CDC virologist Ruben Donis in an interview by Science Direct (published April 29, 2009), CDC had completed sequencing of the new A / H1N1 strain two weeks earlier or on April 15, 2009, three days before Mexican officials sent swab samples. to its Atlanta headquarters for testing.

Based on the above convincing facts, there is conclusive evidence that the A / H1N1 swine flu outbreak that has led to the first WHO pandemic declaration in 41 years was created synthetically and likely dates back to the IMV lab in Madison, WI. As a result, the moderate risk based on the characteristics of A / H1N1 and the potential threat, especially for a generation that has never experienced a pandemic and those with pre-existing medical conditions (asthma and other respiratory disorders, diabetes, heart problems, immunodeficiency disorders , and pregnancy, to name a few) whose immune systems are ill-prepared or equipped to recognize and fight the new strain, respectively, should be taken seriously. At the time of writing, this was not being done (for example, the New York City Department of Health stated on its website on June 25, 2009: “Most cases of illness similar to influenza does not need to be tested for H1N1. “Although seasonal influenza has disappeared during the summer, do not isolate suspected cases in the emergency room that facilitate the spread, etc.). Continued non-compliance can result in anywhere from 1 million (based on a 0.25% death rate based on existing WHO estimates that up to a third of the world’s population may be infected) to 25 million or more deaths, as people will be treated much more. in the disease (after serious complications have developed) and / or if the virus mutates to a more lethal form resulting in a mortality rate of 1 +% that is already being exhibited in Argentina, a country that has just entered the the winter season.


[1] Donald G. McNeil, Jr. According to a new theory, swine flu started in Asia, not Mexico. The New York Times. June 24, 2009.

[2] Who, the flu experts investigating the claim that swine flu evolved in the laboratory. May 12, 2009. June 24, 2009.

Additional source

Wayne Madsen. Hybrid A / H1N1 flu linked to a genetic trigger for a larger mutated version. Online journal. June 24, 2009. June 24, 2009.

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