Sliding Skid Awareness in Bowling – Mastering the Perfect Skid

If you want to improve your bowling game, there are two things you need to do first. One is that you must be mentally in the game and have the will to take charge and trust yourself. Two, and this is where I would like to focus my talk today, is that you need to have a sliding consciousness in order not to slide.

Okay, let’s talk about your perfect slide and how you can practice this without tossing the ball, and yes, it might seem silly to mimic a bowling slide, but no one will laugh when you help get your team to the top of the board. league, you can trust me on that. Should we start?

The first rule of thumb is to use those lines to help you with your take off, these are your markers, use them. Know your steps and your skills. Understand what your perfect slide should look like and how far that final slide should be. Also remember that when you are actually playing with a ball in hand, you will have extra pounds and this will increase your glide by 8 to 12 inches. Therefore, when practicing, you should practice sliding towards the line approximately 12 to 12 inches back when you stop.

When you practice, while releasing the virtual ball, as if you were playing Wii, your hand should be raised to shake hands with the pins in the exact place where you want the ball to hit them. You will be surprised how accurate it will be. If you doubt this, crumple up a piece of paper and toss it across the room into the wastebasket, and when you release the paper, open your hand and shake hands with the center of the wastebasket as from your point of view.

Some say, come on, this is not rocket science. Okay, that’s true, but the same physics of kinetic energy, weight, gravity, motion, friction, speed, and trajectory still apply. It’s just math and you would be surprised how well your mind judges things once you learn it. For example, have you ever thrown a ball and you knew it was going to be a strike or you were going to pick up a gap the instant the ball left your hand?

Sure, we’ve all done it, and that’s what I’m talking about here. You need your slide to be perfect too, and you need to know that it will be perfect, because it will feel perfect as you go. In fact, I hope you consider all of this and think about it.

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