Size of your belly during pregnancy

Sometimes it seems to pregnant women that the belly grows before their eyes, or, on the contrary, it is almost not noticeable. Let’s read the comments of the experts on this question.

– On what factors does the size of the belly during pregnancy depend?

– Height of the belly, that is, the height of the uterus normally corresponds to the term of pregnancy. For example, at the 32nd week of pregnancy it should be 32-33 cm. And the volume of the belly depends on the individual peculiarities of the woman. Sometimes the anatomical structure affects it: miniature women with a slim pelvis have a larger belly than tall women with full thighs. But, above all, the growth of the belly is related to the general weight gain of the pregnant woman. This is the factor that a woman should always pay attention to.

– What weight gain is considered normal?

– Every woman has her own individual standard. It depends on the body mass index, which can be calculated according to a special formula. Divide the weight in kg by the height in meters squared. The normal index is 19.8 to 25.9. If you are expecting twins, add at least 2.3-4.6 kg to this figure.

Most women gain 40% of their weight during the first half of pregnancy, 60% during the second. If a woman had a normal weight before pregnancy, then in the first trimester she can gain 1.5-2 kg, during the second – 0.5 kg per week, and for the entire ninth month – no more than 0.5 -1kg The weight should be increased evenly and gradually. The normal development of the baby depends on this.

– What are the dangers of being overweight?

– If a woman gains too much weight, both she and the fetus can experience problems. Excessive weight gain is one of the symptoms of late toxicosis, the unhealthy state of a pregnant woman. Late toxicosis can lead to the development of threatened miscarriage. Under such circumstances, a woman begins to feel pain in her waist and lower abdomen. In extremely severe cases, premature labor or premature exfoliation of the placenta may occur.

In addition, being overweight makes it difficult for the muscles to work. It also leads to edema in the feet, anterior abdominal wall, hands. The muscles of the back and calves begin to ache, blood circulation in the veins of the legs is disrupted, varicose disease becomes more intense. The pregnant woman gets tired more often and gets stronger, she becomes irritable. As for the fetus, late toxicosis can cause chronic anoxemia and even stillbirth. The risk of such complications for very full women is higher.

– What can cause extremely rapid weight gain during pregnancy?

– Sometimes those who like to eat well gain weight quickly. However, moderation in food still does not guarantee a normal weight. Too much fluid can build up in some women’s bodies, for example, when the kidneys don’t work well enough. Therefore, if a pregnant woman gains weight too quickly, she should control the amount of fluid she drinks and changes throughout the day and night. Healthy woman evolves more fluid than she drinks. And the accumulation of fluid in the body leads to overweight. Then not only the external, but also the internal organs swell. Placental edemas are especially dangerous: they disrupt the normal development of the fetus.

– How can a pregnant woman get rid of edema?

– While visiting the maternity wellness center, you should pay close attention to the recommendations on the nutrition regimen that will be given by a doctor. As a general rule, doctors advise all pregnant women to limit the consumption of salty, spicy, fried and fatty products. The thing is that these products contribute to the accumulation of fluid in the body and lead to edema. Once every 10 days it is recommended to organize fasting days. Of course, this does not mean that a pregnant woman should go without food. Starvation is categorically contraindicated for an expectant mother. During fasting days, a pregnant woman should be restricted with certain products, for example, apples, cotton cheese, kefir, meat in strictly certain quantities. In addition, she must observe confinement in bed, this improves the excretion of fluid out of the body. Diuretic herbs also help a lot. However, she should not suddenly restrict the amount of fluid she drinks. She should drink no less than 1.2-1.5 liters per day and night.

– It turns out that it is quite simple to fight edema?

– Unfortunately, not always. Weight gain depends on the work of the kidneys in many ways. So, for example, weight is quickly gained if a woman has chronic urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis. Sometimes pyelonephritis appears already during pregnancy. As hormonal background is changing during this period. The body begins to produce more of a hormone, which contributes to the dilation of the urinary tract. And various infections reach the kidneys through these open doors. That is why all pregnant women must pass the bacteriological test of excretions from the vagina, monitor urine tests constantly.

– What happens if a pregnant woman has a very large fetus and this explains her overweight?

– Such a thing happens sometimes. But this may testify to another problem. Very often, women with diabetes have large fetuses. If a woman was born large, then she needs to check the sugar content in her blood and urine, as diabetes can also present itself in a latent form. Sometimes diabetes already appears during pregnancy. Again due to background hormonal changes. These pregnant women are in a risk group, even if only one of several tests showed an increased sugar content. By the way, being overweight during pregnancy often forces obstetricians to use cesarean section.

– Under what conditions is sudden weight gain especially undesirable?

– Excessive weight gain is especially dangerous in the second half of pregnancy, to be more exact, from the 20th week. And the sooner such complications occur, the more difficult the birth of a woman will be.

That is why we recommend women watch their weight, take blood pressure in both hands and urine tests. If a woman has late toxicosis, as a rule, her blood pressure rises and albumin appears in the urine. If all 3 symptoms (edema, increased blood pressure, and albumin in the urine) are found, the woman is urgently hospitalized.

– Probably my question will surprise you. Is it possible to “adjust” the size of the fetus in any way?

– I think so. For this, a balanced nutrition is necessary, which includes products rich in animal and vegetable proteins, vitamins and minerals. A woman should safely take vitamin preparations. Of course, these are copy-book truths, but a woman does not always observe these rules, for this or that reason.

– Apparently, the size of the belly also depends on the amount of amniotic fluid? Does the liquid a woman drinks influence you?

– No. The causes of excess amniotic fluid are very different: diabetes, anomalies in the development of the fetus, Rhesus conflict, infectious complications. If a woman has little amniotic fluid, this often means that she will give birth to a post-mature baby.

– Probably too small belly is better than too big?

– No, I wouldn’t say that. Insufficient weight gain often leads to defects in the development of the fetus, giving birth to a very small baby, premature labor and sometimes even death of a newborn. Pregnant women must fight for the “golden mean”.

By the way, American scientists noted that women with an optimistic outlook on life give birth to low-weight babies less often. Experts explain that optimistic women take better care of their health: they exercise regularly and eat well.

– Is there a direct dependence between the emotional state of a pregnant woman and excess kilograms?

– Probably, there is. You know, being under a stressful situation, some women start eating whatever food they see and empty the fridge. Here goes the excess weight. And, on the contrary, other women simply cannot eat anything in a stressful situation. That is why it is so important for close people and the expectant mother to take care of her stable and calm emotional mood.

Approximate allocation of weight gained during pregnancy

baby 3.5kg

Placenta 0.675kg

Amniotic fluid 0.8kg

Uterus increase 0.9 kg

breasts 0.45kg

Mother’s blood volume 1.5 kg.

Intracellular fluid of the mother 1.4 kg

Adipose cellulose from mother 3.25 kg


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