Search for people by last known address

Address lookups are one of the most common ways to locate people. Whether you’re looking for an address or want to find someone based on the address you have, you’ll get some answers in the following article.

Basically, you would do a people search by last known address when someone has moved and you don’t have the new contact details of where they are staying. You have many options on how to perform this search. The first thing you can do is go to the previous address where this person was staying. Ask the new occupant if the person never left a forwarding address or not. People often do this because they will continue to receive some of their mail at the old address.

That’s one of the few ways you’ll be able to link the old address to the person’s current location. Another thing you could do is look for places where address information is updated every time someone changes their place of residence. It’s a wild card search and these companies may or may not help. You can try places like the electric company, the phone company, or any other billed service that people normally subscribe to. That would be one way to perform a people search by last known address.

There are also people search sites on the net that specialize in address lookups. You can look up places like or and they should be able to help you. Just give them the old address and they will trace the person back to the new address. Instead of performing a people search by last known address, you can also try to find the person using any other people search service. There are many who are able to locate someone even with just a name. These are just a few options for you to think about.

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