Sail the seven seas as a pirate

A truly classic Halloween costume, The Pirate defies the genre and not to mention is truly versatile. The popularity of the pirate costume, especially pirate costumes for women, increased further after the release of the blockbuster “Pirates of the Caribbean” where British actress Keira Knightley was shown wearing a female version of the pirate costume. The pirate costume for women is not only empowering as it represents a strong woman, but it is also very sexy.

Going from traditional to sexier styles, the variety of pirate costumes for men and women is incredibly extensive. What’s even more fun is the wide variety of accessories that accompany the wardrobe. There are fake teeth, eye patches, hooks and swords available to increase a person’s pirate appeal. But perhaps the most important accessory of all, as made popular by Capt. Jack Sparrow himself is the hat.

Become a pirate and free yourself from the mundane and you will surely have a very memorable Halloween. Part of being a pirate is her attitude that the devil cares, that without her you’re just another guy in a “Jack Sparrow” costume. Women’s pirate costumes are also very versatile since you can choose to wear a skirt or pants, giving more freedom when choosing. A pirate costume is also especially good for the more conservative types of women.

Pirate costumes are not difficult at all to recreate and they don’t have to be very expensive. Pirates were free spirits and dressed accordingly. As there was no set of rules with how they lived, there is also no dress code and therefore they were dressed very inconsistently. However, a common thing is the fact that they wore very baggy clothes, often ragged and disproportionate. You can pair your pirate costume with some boots, some tacky jewelry, an eye patch, and maybe a toy parrot and voila.

For those looking for some advice, here are some ideas for you:

Men’s Pirate Costume:

Get yourself an oversized three-cornered hat reminiscent of Jack Sparrow. Wear it with a scarf or sash that should be tied around your head. Or you can just wear the scarf if you can’t find a hat.

Find a nice long-sleeved shirt that has drawstrings around the neck. The bristler the better.

Now get yourself what I like to call a “hippie” belt, a wide one with some stones or some kind of adornment. Tie it around your waist.

Finish off the costume with a pair of worn leather boots. The more worn, the better. Remember that pirates are not dandy.

Pirate costume for women:

As with men, look for ruffled tops and boots, preferably with laces.

Get yourself a corset and wear it over your shirt. Fabric corsets are fine, but leather always works best.

Next, go for a nice, flowy gypsy skirt with an asymmetrical hem. If you can’t find one, buy yourself a ruffled skirt with some leather overlays. Remember that you can also choose pants and put them inside your boots.

Finish the look with a lace neck scarf or a simple leather choker.

Of course, for both men and women, they should never forget the pirate essentials: an eye patch, a parrot, and a good rum wine!

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