Safety posters made today to inform you and keep you safe

With the phrases “health and safety in the workplace” and “duty of care”, we all need to be more aware of the safety aspect of our lives and of those with whom we come in contact.

You may think that safety signs are only necessary in the workplace and commercial facilities, but not necessarily. If you have a pool in your backyard or a play area for your children with a children’s gym or swing, then you have a “duty of care” to anyone you allow to use these fun activities.

Now this doesn’t mean you need safety posters taped all over your house, but there are some that you could have strategically placed.

An important poster to have in your pool is the CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Poster, which shows how to administer the emergency first aid procedure for someone who has suffered cardiac arrest. This poster should be protected from the elements and as it can often be exposed to the sun, replace it from time to time if the print fades.

There are also kitchen posters that show many accidents that can occur in the kitchen and how to administer first aid after one of these accidents.

Below is a list of some of the safety posters available.

First Response Posters for Common Ailments

Child safety signs

CPR Wall Graphics Posters

Food safety

Kitchen Safety Signs a 4 part sign set

1. Food safety,

2. Avoid cuts,

3. Avoid burns Prevent

4. Falls and bumps

Electric Shock Treatment Guide

First Aid for Eyes Laminated Poster

First aid for burns Poster

Infant resuscitation guide

Resuscitation Guide for Adults

Ricer laminated poster (soft tissue injuries)

Chemical Spills Poster

External Bleeding Poster

Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Poster

Laminated fire safety poster.

Sharps and Puncture Injury Removal Poster

Be smart about the sun Poster

Now you don’t need to have all of the above in and around your home. You may want to select a pair to have in places like your laundry, on the inside of your pantry door, or in your bathroom. If an emergency occurs in your home, the information on one of these posters could save someone’s life.

Your liability insurance could cover the financial costs of an accident that occurs in or around your home, but being able to administer the correct first aid could cover someone’s life.

There are other safety posters, such as posters about bullying, meeting friends or enemies, joining gangs, some of these are not pretty posters and you may not think they are necessary for your home and maybe they are not. If you have kids, some could be helpful, especially bullying ones, which seem to be a big problem in our schools, so a bullying poster could help your child either to themselves or to one of their friends.

This raises a serious question: does a security poster have to be shocking in order to express your point of view correctly? That’s hard to say, as “need” is a pretty strong word and only the person looking at the safety sign will be able to judge what the sign needs to be effective. However, there will be a fairly standard consensus as to whether or not a poster is using commotion to convey its point of view.

Over the years, safety signs have become less shock tactics and more informative. Many safety posters today use creativity rather than impact to get their message across and they seem to get the job done quite well. Why not take a look and see if there is one that suits your needs? Today there are safety posters for your workplace, your home, around your pool, and even just to remind us of simple things like being smart in the sun.

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