Safe Fat Loss Formula

With regards to fat loss, it can be a very debatable topic as to which is the best way. You may hear or read from the media, personal trainers at gyms, or even your friends who exercise and have different opinions about their personal approach to losing fat. As a personal trainer, I know a thing or two about fat loss and like to keep things simple. The approach must be sustainable and easy to implement into the person’s lifestyle. Beware of magic pills that promise overnight success and leave you with more fat loss problems than solutions. For the best and safest fat loss results, please refer to the following guidelines.

Eat high-fiber foods
Consume 25 to 30 grams of fiber each day to decrease sugar release and optimize your body’s ability to burn fat. The problem with most people is that they don’t have enough vegetables and fruits to get the level of fiber the body needs. Make sure you have at least 5 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit.

Avoid white carbohydrates
Most white carbohydrates, such as pasta and rice, are low in fiber and can lead to easy weight gain if eaten in excess. The worst is having them towards the end of the day. Be sure to opt for the whole grain version of the carbs.

Have breakfast
Have your breakfast. The value of breakfast is underestimated on this day and many people are not in the habit of eating a healthy breakfast. Studies have found that people who eat breakfast tend to be slimmer than people who don’t.

snack regularly
Eat regularly to increase metabolism in the body. Interestingly, there is research that found that people who ate more meals lost more weight than people who ate fewer meals despite having the same total calorie intake for the day.

Essential Fatty Acid (EFA)
Take your essential fatty acid (EFA) supplements. Fish oil supplement is a great source of omega-3 acid that offers a host of health benefits. The exciting part of fish oil containing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was found to kill potential fat cells before they mature into fat cells. Studies also found that people who exercise and take fish oil lose more belly fat than those who don’t take fish oil.

high intensity interval training
To achieve fat loss, exercise is essential to the plan because exercise burns fat. The good news is that an effective fat loss workout can be short and yet just as effective, if not better than a long duration workout. Many studies have begun to show that high-intensity interval cardio is better than long, slow, low-intensity endurance cardio in terms of burning abdominal fat and overall body fat level. So why do a long workout when you can get the same results with a short one?

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