Reiki tips and tricks for a healthy lifestyle

In 1922, Mikao experienced satori, this means a brief flash of enlightenment. It was then that he received Reiki from that spiritual experience. He had been working hard on spiritual development and went to Mount Kurama, seeking enlightenment, through a regimen of fasting and prayer for 21 days. He was not looking for an ancient system of healing, nor any system of healing. However, Reiki came looking for him.

If we honor Usui, we must also honor his own words. In his Reiki Ryoho Manual, Usui says: “Our Reiki Ryoho is something absolutely original and cannot be compared with any other (spiritual) path in the world.” And then he says: “I was not initiated into this method by anyone in the universe. I also did not have to make any effort to achieve supernatural healing powers. While fasting, I touched an intense energy and in a mysterious way, it was inspired. It was clear to me that it was He had given me the spiritual art of healing. “

Hyakuten Inamoto, a Reiki master and Buddhist monk from Kyoto, Japan, has studied the sutras, visited the town of Usui, and continues to do extensive research on Mikao Usui and the origin of Reiki. It is your determination that there is no connection between Reiki and Buddhism. Even William Rand has acknowledged, on his website, that Usui originated the healing system he taught, that it has no connection to Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan shamanism, or any other religion, and that no researcher has found a sutra. Tibetan. with Reiki symbols on it.

The healing technique is based on the idea that everything in the universe is made of energy and this life force energy flows around us and through us feeding our cells, organs and glands. When one’s energy is low, unbalanced, or restricted by stress, injury, or illness, we are more susceptible to discomfort, more illness and disease. When one’s energy is high or balanced, one is more likely to feel relaxed and the body’s own innate healing abilities are awakened and used to heal.

Now that we know where Reiki originated from, here are some helpful tips and tricks that have helped me as Reiki I, II, and during my Masters. First, when we spend time judging people, we are taking away the time that we should love them. Love everyone. If you can’t, bless them silently. Leave your ego behind. Before working with a person, an animal or a thing, I ask the universe to help me eliminate my ego. By doing this, I leave personal judgments and projections out the door. This will open their mind to receive Reiki energy and impressions on that person that could be helpful to them. Eat healthy!

When treating your body as a container, you want it clean and clear, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains. Stay away from flours, sugars, and stimulants as much as possible because these items can obstruct your energy. Drink a lot of water. Water removes toxins from the body better than nothing. I try to drink half my body weight in ounces. Yes, this makes you pee a lot, but I know that every time I have to do the n. 1, I am getting more toxins out of my body and washing my glass to make it clean and clear. Lastly, service to humanity. By helping others, you are opening your energy to the universe. This makes you more compassionate and selfless, thus learning the true meaning of love. These little tips and tricks will lead you to a healthier lifestyle and a happier person.

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