Red Ring Of Death Repair With A Repair Guide – Should You Buy An Xbox 360 Repair Guide?

With problematic Xbox 360 consoles becoming more and more common, it’s no surprise that many hardware technicians have produced helpful repair guides to fix the red ring of death on the Xbox 360.

These guides can cost anywhere from $30 to $45 and they claim to show you exactly how to fix anything from bad graphics to the 3 red lights on your console. But how do you know these “repair guides” really work and how can you avoid getting ripped off by fixing the red ring of death with one of these repair guides?

First of all, do the repair guides work?
If you can get an Xbox 360 repair guide for around $30, why is Microsoft charging over $100 to fix Xbox 360 with the 3 flashing red lights?

Well, there are a couple of reasons:

1 – First of all, Microsoft usually doesn’t “fix” their console. They usually send you a refurbished model while your console is sent back to the technicians for a reset.

2 – Microsoft is a large organization and is trying to recover the cost of past lawsuits related to the staggering number of Xbox 360 red rings that keep reappearing.

But that doesn’t answer the question: Do Xbox 360 repair guides work?

Mostly, yes.

How do they work?
Fixing the red ring of death on your Xbox 360 might seem complicated, but it’s actually much simpler than it sounds. RROD is caused by too much heat over time in your console. After a while, all that heat puts stress on some of the internal components, weakening them and eventually causing them to start bending or flexing.

This subtle bending/flexing causes electrical connections (called solder joints) to sometimes crack. That’s why you get the red ring of death for Xbox 360.

A repair guide will show you how to:

1 – Disarm your console
2 – Do it where the parts that bend/flex don’t anymore
3 – And then use the console’s own internal furnace to reattach the cracked solder

Is it right for you?
If you’re a practical person, or just don’t feel like waiting weeks to get your refurbished console back from Microsoft, then an Xbox 360 repair guide can definitely help you out.

Most of the guides are easy to follow (so there’s no fear of messing anything up), but if you’re afraid of messing something up, you’re better off paying Microsoft to fix your Xbox 360.

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