Real women love Martha

Martha Stewart will make sugar cookies and a big pitcher of lemonade with lemons after she takes off her ankle bracelet. I love the Fox News comment that we can’t track sex offenders in Florida, but Martha has to wear an ankle bracelet and she can’t garden or ride a horse. All right, Martha, stay away from the tomatoes!

Your stock may be experiencing growing pains, but your Sirius radio show will draw audiences in like bees to honey-glazed ham.


Let’s look beyond the “she said/she didn’t say” details., and other websites indicate
that Mrs. Stewart is not the most hated woman in America. Even Jay Leno, previously bombarded by for his taunting of Martha, made some humorous comments on her behalf. “Follow her? We can’t get rid of her!… Martha can’t ride horses on her farm. What, the police are afraid of a 60-year-old woman on a horse? even catching OJ in the Ford Bronco!”

Meanwhile, feminists, who conveniently remained silent as a largely male conspiracy demeaned a strong, independent, and successful woman, often derided Martha for setting an impossible and unrealistic standard of perfection.

You want to talk unrealistic? The media portrays the ideal
woman like size 2 with breast implants. And the marketing machine
pretend Britney Spears can sing and Jessica Simpson can actually
has something to say worth listening to.

But aren’t we supposed to be beyond those traditional feminine ones?

Hey, didn’t feminists say that women are all-nutritious?
and any work that comes from the hands of Womyn is superior to
(cough) men of any race but especially white men? I think the ladies do
protest too much. Perhaps feeling uncomfortable with their own
domestic skills? Guilty by a standard themselves
repudiate? Afraid of her own feminine urges to make pancakes.
paper decorations and make a cake?

Real women bake cakes. Or choose not to, that’s fine. Real
women decorate for Christmas. Royal Women’s Garden. real women
They can be difficult to work with, just like real men. People
notice it more when the refusal to commit comes from a
pair of size seven high heels. But hey, even Dennis Rodman and
RuPaul got away with it.

And speaking of jocks, real women know it’s not okay.
people who bounce a ball all day to win billions of dollars a
year, while people like Martha, who embody the American Dream, who
give us products that really enrich our lives instead of hours
of meaningless television and sports talk, get a prison sentence.
The entire NBA has been in prison. I do not see anyone
threatening to stop buying Nikes and Air Jordans.

Real women bake cookies. It’s a no-brainer: chocolate chips!
As in, chocolate chip cookies! That, by the way, the male of
the species is also known to eat. is interesting for
Please note that half of the messages and letters on are
of the men

Real women bake. We know you are out there. So show your support and shop Martha, bake with Martha, and tune in to Martha Stewart Living Radio when she launches.

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