Object lesson: Are you overloaded or delivered?

This is an object lesson using a sponge and a bowl of water to teach children that Jesus has the power to give you peace over any problem. The suggested Bible verse to reinforce the teaching is Isaiah 26:3.


Show the dry sponge. Sponges are great for soaking up spilled liquids like water, milk, or juice. Squeeze the sponge to show that there is no water in it. To get some water in and comment on how the sponge soaks it up and doesn’t drip water.

Sponges absorb water well, but can only hold a limited amount. Dip the sponge into the water until it is full and hold it up in front of the children. For a little water in the sponge and comment how the water now drains because there is no more space. To get more water into this sponge, I have to squeeze out what’s in it and start over. (Show.)

For those of you who know Jesus as your Savior, if you are not careful, you can become something of a sponge. When problems come your way, you can “absorb” them by focusing your attention on them and not on God. Things like worry, fear, anger, frustration, and resentment will start building up inside of you and start coming out. The more you think about problems, the more they will negatively affect your life. You will have no peace, quiet or patience to deal with them and they will start to take control of you until you are overwhelmed.

That is not what God wants. In fact, it says in Isaiah 26:3 that God will keep you in perfect peace if your mind remains on him. God wants you to focus on him and not on your problems. When you’re going through a problem, take some time to think about how great and powerful God is and remember the great love he has for you. Understand that the power of him is available to help you with any problem you face. When you have one, talk to God, but before you mention it, think about how big he is. He never changes. God has the same power today that he had when he did the miracles in the Bible. When you focus your attention on God, it’s like squeezing the sponge.

Just because you focus on God doesn’t mean the problem will automatically go away. The problem doesn’t usually change that fast, but what will change is you. God will give you his peace and help you eliminate fear, worry, or frustration over the problem. Remember, Jesus has the power to give you peace over any problem you face. To get that peace, you must focus on God and not on the problem.

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