New advice for making gold in World Of Warcraft Legion

Legion is HERE! Therefore, it will be very important to know how to make gold in World of Warcraft, as Blizzard has removed some of the most reliable methods in the last two expansions. But with that, Blizzard has regained the opportunity of one of the oldest and most reliable methods. And you will go back to the basics: professions.

It’s no wonder WoD completely destroyed World of Warcraft professions. Accelerated BoP crafting materials, hideously limited recipes, Warlords Crafted cap (3), and of course, random stats, which to be honest continued from Mists of Pandaria and Cataclysm. Regardless, Legion has really taken steps to improve the viability of the profession for both market power and endgame power.

But guess what … The power to make gold from crafting doesn’t necessarily come from the actual equipment you’re crafting. At least not directly. You can create gear at level 110 with an item level of 815, which will definitely give you some decent starting power when you get to the starting end. But the key to power (both player power and market power) is in the gear you DO NOT equip. So how is this used to make gold in World of Warcraft Legion?

The key is to destroy the equipment. At level 110, you will get a quest to unlock the Obliterum Forge in Dalaran. The Obliterum Forge gives you the opportunity to increase your equipment’s item level in increments of 5, up to 850. And you gain Obliterum by destroying handmade items in this forge. So right away, we can see that there will be a great demand to take those first steps in the final raids. The beautiful thing about getting Obliterum is 1. It’s not BoP, so you can trade it in, and 2. You can get it from ANY team created, whether you created it or not, or even if you have a crafting profession. Additionally, the amount of Obliterum received from each item varies, depending on the value of the item produced.

So how can you earn gold in World of Warcraft Legion, using Obliterum Forge? There are a couple of options. First, you can make equipment and sell it at the auction house. Other players can scrap it for the Obliterum they need. Second, you can make the equipment and dispose of it yourself, and then sell the Obliterum. Third, you can buy equipment and dispose of it, and then sell the Obliterum.

Of course, to use these methods of making gold in WoW Legion, you will need to do some math. For method 1, do the materials cost less than equipment made with enough margin to make a profit? For method 2, do the materials cost less than the Obliterum yield? For method 3, does the manufactured item cost less than the total yield of Obliterum?

These three methods can be complex, especially when comparing the prices of all the equipment manufactured. So it is important to do your analysis, or better yet, have a WoW Gold plugin do it for you.

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