Natural yeast infection treatment: yogurt, why does it work?

The prevalence of yeast infections around the world has led sufferers to seek natural treatment. One of the many natural treatments that has helped sufferers of this condition is yogurt.

Many women claim that using plain yogurt cured their infection. Could this be true? Let’s find out why yogurt has been making waves as a natural yeast infection treatment. Our body is home to different microorganisms and many of these microorganisms help the proper functioning of the body. Normally, these microorganisms live in harmonious balance with each other. However, sometimes this balance is upset by stress or the use of antibiotics. This disturbance causes some microorganisms to overpopulate and cause infections.

Among the many microorganisms that live in the vaginal area are Candida albicans and Lactobacillus acidophilus. The two microorganisms are balanced in a peaceful coexistence. An infection occurs when the normally occurring Candida albicans overpopulates, causing itchiness, a yeasty odor, pain, and discomfort.

Yogurt is considered an effective natural yeast infection treatment because yogurt, specifically unsweetened plain yogurt, contains Lactobacillus acidophilus. This is considered to balance the presence of overpopulated candida and restore harmony to the affected area.

How does Lactobacillus acidophilus actually combat candida, making yogurt an effective natural treatment? Lactobacillus acidophilus prevents the infection caused by candida albicans by producing lactic acid. This keeps the ph level in the vagina low and hostile to yeast.

To ensure that the yogurt you eat will be an effective natural yeast infection treatment, be sure to eat at least 8 ounces of unsweetened plain yogurt every day. Also make sure the yogurt you buy has “live cultures” on the label. Sweetened yogurt is not an effective treatment due to the sugar it contains, since sugar is candida’s favorite “food.”

Aside from eating yogurt to combat candida, applying yogurt to the affected area is also an effective natural treatment. This will take the Lactobacillus acidophilus directly to where it is needed. To use this natural treatment, you can dip a tampon in plain yogurt and insert it into your vagina. Another way is to freeze yogurt on the fingers of a sterile glove. Once frozen, you can insert the yogurt popsicle into your vagina like a tampon.

While applying yogurt directly to the infected area is a good way to use this natural yeast infection treatment, it’s also best to eat a cup of unsweetened yogurt every day. This will ensure a strong population of Lactobacillus acidophilus in your intestinal tract to prevent the infection from coming back.

Live Yeast Infection Free! The itching and irritation of a yeast infection is agonizing, and over-the-counter treatment won’t stop recurring infections. 1 in 20 women in America suffer from this, but you don’t need to be one of them anymore!

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