My boyfriend has a small penis, what do I do?

If you have a boyfriend and he has a small penis, and if this is a problem for you, then there are several options on how to deal with this and what to do.

It is understandable that size may be a concern for you. Penis size has a number of issues surrounding it. You may not be sexually satisfied as you should be. You may not be as confident and exciting in bed as you could be due to your lack of confidence regarding size.

Let’s look at how to deal with your boyfriend having a small penis from a variety of different angles:

1. Length VS Thickness. Initially, you may think that your boyfriend has a small penis due to his lack of length, but do you know that when it comes to sexual satisfaction, it is the girth or girth that matters? It can be very misleading and many women may write off a man when they don’t see a decent sized stick when it comes to length. But pay attention to the width and you’ll be amazed at how well you can stimulate someone who is heavier rather than longer.

2. Does size really matter? Many size problems may have a visual basis. Don’t hit your boyfriend right away for size reasons. Sex can still be great and there are always other, more sexually pleasurable ways to be intimate with each other. As mentioned above, if anything, it’s the girth issue that matters most to many women who have reported on the old question of “does penis size matter?”

3. Focus on your confidence. Sometimes the girlfriend could care less about her size, and instead the boyfriend is completely consumed with the size of her penis, believing it’s not right enough. This can lead to real big problems in the bedroom. If her confidence is low, her performance will also be low. Sex will be boring and probably won’t even last long if she isn’t confident enough. Try to reassure her that size is not an issue and that the real problem is her lack of confidence and her attachment to her size issues.

4. Look at the positive aspects of its size. Some women actually prefer a smaller, more manageable size when it comes to sex. And many women prefer a smaller size when it comes to oral sex. You can do so much more and are much more comfortable sexually when you are a below average size when it comes to orality. Looking towards the positive helps a lot both for him and for you

5. Tell him about jelqing. This is an exercise that men have been doing to increase the size of their penis. It is a technique that you can do every day and it usually takes several weeks for the results to take effect. Making it bigger can do two things: increase your confidence levels and give you the size you want for sexual satisfaction. If you’re really committed to your boyfriend, you might even be able to help him with exercises (basically they consist of slowly massaging the lubricated penis repeatedly while it’s in a semi-erect state). Sometimes girlfriends help their guy do a jelqing session and in return he gives his girlfriend a nice long back rub. Helping your boyfriend can motivate him more and force him to be more consistent with the exercises. Jelqing results generally depend more on consistency and motivation, along with patience, as sizing takes several weeks.

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