Money – The root of all evil

If money is the root of all evil, and the saying is the truth of the Gospel, then how come they ask for it in church? I discussed this with friends and we came up with great ways to release blocks of money. Read on for more information.

Of course, churches have to get money from somewhere and with reasonable explanations. Perhaps to help fix a leaky roof, among other maintenance jobs for which the money is needed, as well as posters and other materials needed to help bring people in need of loving community and pastoral care to church.

I’m used to the collection of baskets, where everyone puts what they can afford. That’s quite different from dubious churches asking people to pay up their life savings.

Now, if you have read the Bible, you will find that the true quote is: “For the root of all evil is the love of money.” And the rest is: “Some, greedy for money, strayed from the faith and were pierced with many grievances. “Money is not a human being or an animal, it is an inanimate object. And when humans waste the feeling of love on almost anything inanimate, that can lead to bad deeds, especially living things that people should give love to. Money is just a tool. He has no feelings and no agenda. People give feelings of money and unfortunately some people become obsessive about it. “Love of money” in the biblical sense can actually be translated as the word “greed,” which seems to be the root of most suffering. And what is ultimately the root of greed? I think it is fear, and that is the root of all suffering. After all, it could be argued that there are two main emotions; love and fear.

However, it is all very well to talk logically about this. It’s another thing entirely to really feel it. This is where tapping comes in.

Let’s use the SUE scale to measure how true this statement: “Money is the root of all evil” seems to you. Where -10 is as true as it feels and 0 is not quite true, how true does it feel to your senses? Remember, we are not talking about logic here. We’re just measuring how true you feel with your senses, rather than logical thinking. If there is anything less than zero, tap the statement above in all your favorite point units, it feels like a zero. Just tap “Money is the root of all evil”. No need for lopsided statements. Simple is good.

Once you hit zero, ask yourself what would make you feel even better. The easiest way is to choose a word, such as “calm,” “safe,” “share,” “peace,” or “safe.” Any positive word that comes to you is good. Play until you feel a shift in the positive direction. This is moving up the SUE scale from a neutral 0 to a cheerful +10. Keep tapping, using whatever positive word comes to mind, simply saying the word at each of your favorite spots, until you reach +7 or higher.

Enjoy the liberating sensation!

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