Memories of my mother’s day

In the United States, Anna Jarvis was credited with conceiving and championing this special day for mothers. The day was recognized as a holiday in 1914. Apparently Anna was heartbroken over how the day became a marketing sensation over time and that more and more people were choosing to buy and send a card, gift or flowers to her mother. to feel good about what they did. The idea was to make the mother feel more loved and special that day than she had felt for her children. Over time, the commercialization of the holiday soured Anna on what she created, and she tried, but could not, to eliminate it as a holiday.

But, just as no two mothers are the same, the convenience of giving has not prevented us from celebrating our mothers more on this special Sunday in May. I have memories of my mother tied to this day, from my childhood to this day. My mother was my protector and friend. Even before I have a memory of it, I can see it in my face and in his face in photographs. She involved me in her life, put me first most of the time, sang to me, encouraged me and taught me to find joy in this world. I think she knew it, and most mothers know how important it is to teach love and joy early, before the world teaches competence, defensiveness, and goals like getting something for yourself. Mother is about giving your all for someone else: you.

My mother gave birth to two more children, each three years after me. When she brought her new baby home, I saw the sparkle on her face and the love in her eyes that were once all mine. I later learned, which I couldn’t understand then, that she never stopped loving me with all her heart. Love doesn’t fit perfectly in a measuring cup. There are no limits to love unless we put limits on it. I wish I had understood that at three and six years old. Seeing his love for my little siblings was for me too, and watching him, I could see the effect he had on my siblings and a glimpse of how big his heart was for his son. My mother will be 84 next month and her loving heart is still great.

As I got older, I saw concern and even fear in her eyes when I left her care to go to school, play soccer, and when I got so sick that everything she could do for me was not enough. I saw boundless joy in her when I got married, and especially when my wife put my son, and then my daughter, in her arms. But something changed then.

Just as she had to divide her attention as a mother when my brothers were born, I had to put the mother of my children first. Later, I saw how my mother’s eyes darkened as her mother began the last years of her life. He wanted to do so much for his mother, but life is like a baton passed from one corridor to another. Once the baton is passed, we do not see who passed it so clearly because the purpose also passed with the baton. She still remembers her mother on Mother’s Day, and I think every day.

As I write this article, early on Mother’s Day 2019, I prepare to call my mother on the phone. He lives two states south of me and my wife, where he cares for one of my brothers whose life became a disease for him and a great pain for her. My children will honor their mother today and I will be a part of that. I wish I could keep the witness for my mother longer, but it’s over. Anna Jarvis did something good for mothers, and for our mothers, we must do all that we can, all that we can, to tell our mothers that we love them and that we always will. # TAG1writer.

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