Learn How To Beat A DUI Charge – Expunge Your Record And Get On With Your Life!

A DUI is a mistake that can haunt you for life and make your future miserable. From super-high insurance rates to trouble passing a simple employment background check, those three letters will mark you as confident as if they were written in red ink across your forehead. Finding out how to beat a DUI is imperative if you want to move on with your life. Fortunately, there are things you can do to completely erase or seriously minimize the damage a DUI does to your driving and criminal record. If your DUI meets several simple criteria, you may be able to learn how to beat a DUI charge and have your record completely expunged—in all 50 states!

DUI convictions are a large source of revenue for local governments in all 50 states, and there may be pressure to increase revenue by making more arrests. Additionally, political lobby groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving have a vested interest in keeping DUI arrests high.

The extremely polarizing nature of this crime has made DUI a “political” crime, with a single punishment system for ALL offenders. This means that someone who barely fails a field sobriety test after eating 2 or 3 glasses of wine receives the same punishment as someone who exceeds 3 times the legal limit after causing a serious injury accident. And when someone notices those 3 letters on their background check, they’re likely to conjure up visions of the second scenario.

All of this means that if you are convicted of a DUI, your life will change for the worse unless you educate yourself on how to beat a DUI charge. Even if your DUI is several years old, there are things you can do to minimize its effect on your life.

Most states allow expungement of your DUI record, and in those that do not, there are still other options besides expungement that will help you minimize the damage done to your record. That means no matter where in the US your DUI took place, you can have your record erased or significantly reduce its impact on your life! Additionally, the bureaucratic and inefficient nature of government creates a communication gap between the agencies involved that you can legally use to your advantage.

Armed with the right information, almost anyone who has not caused loss of life, injury, or serious property damage as a result of their DUI can learn how to beat a DUI charge or significantly limit the damage it causes to your life. This includes saving thousands on high-risk auto insurance and preventing DUIs from showing up on background checks.

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