How to vacuum floors and carpets correctly

We all know the importance of keeping our home clean and using a vacuum cleaner. That being said, not everyone keeps their home neat and tidy or uses their vacuum machine properly. But it’s not like we have lessons on how to use appliances. We mostly learn from our parents and then pick up our own little idiosyncrasies. Some can be great cleaning techniques, while others have more to do with the way we do things. So for anyone who isn’t sure how to use their vacuum correctly, and considering the number of messy homes I’ve seen in my time, there may be a few of you, read on for some helpful vacuum tips and advice.

Whether you use a bagged or bagless vacuum, it’s important to make sure the bag or canister is relatively empty. Letting a bagless vacuum get full is potentially less of a problem for suction power than letting a bag get too full. However, it is good practice to empty your vacuum regularly. This helps keep the machine clean and also the suction power high.

When using your vacuum machine to clean carpets and floors, it is advisable to work methodically. Instead of just moving the machine around at random, you should start on one side of the room making sure to go over each piece of carpet twice. Do it once on the forward stroke and once on the backward stroke. This has two useful results. Vacuuming the same bit twice means machines that lack suction power have a better chance of picking up dust and debris. Also, certain types of rugs will look different depending on how you vacuum them. Covering the same area twice means the rug should be a consistent color when you’re done.

Finally, once you have finished vacuuming, check the amount of dirt that has been collected, and empty the machine if necessary. Then, sort the vacuum correctly so it’s ready to use the next time you want to clean your house.

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