How to Quickly Complete WoW Cataclysm Daily Quests

How fast do you think it is possible to complete all the daily missions in your World of Warcraft mission log? Three hours? two hours? Well, it varies a lot from one person to another, but it is possible to do them all with less than 1 hour of play. Personally, I recommend a daily search guide for the fastest way to do this, if you can’t afford one, just keep reading.

All your character can complete a maximum of 25 daily missions each day, remember that these missions are linked to the character and not to the account, so if you obtained two levels 85 on a server, both can do 25 daily missions each. There are many different places where you can get these missions and you have to start by setting your priorities. Think about what would be best for your current character, if you are going to need them when you are more in the game. If you are at max level (85) then you will want to do quests that earn you gold and reputation. If you are 85 years old, I would recommend that you do the Tol Barad diaries.

Plan your routes

The most important thing is to have a strategy for all the newspapers, a planned route to do it as quickly as possible. You won’t get good gold per hour if you don’t have a plan on how to do it all. You could lose minutes for each mission and that adds up a lot if you are doing 25 daily every day. Like I said before, a daily World of Warcraft guide would be a good investment, and most of those guides will also include leveling and gold crafting guides. Some offer professions, but this is not the most important part of the game.

A complete breakdown of all the diaries in World of Warcraft

Some other useful things about a guide are that they do a “breakdown” on all missions and give you add-ons to show you exactly where to go and what to complete. But again, if you can’t afford that, take a map of the different zones and edit it in paint / photoshop, take the missions that are close to each other and do them, then move to another area and do the ones that are there, it is pretty simple and can be broken into a sentence. Do the closest missions first.

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