How to Lose 10KG in 1 Month – Diet and Exercises

Here we show you how to lose 10 kg in 1 month with diet and exercises. Warning: This doesn’t include diet pills, jogging, or any other crap like that. You’ll get a secret diet and 2 “next generation” exercises that will take pounds off your belly, thighs, hips, and butt.

How to lose 10 kg diet

1. Eat eggs… as many as you want, as often as you want. Filling and packs a lot of protein. Minimum of 4 eggs per day.

2. Eat black beans… high in protein and fiber, 25 grams of each in 1 can. And they are cheap. Eat 1 can a day. Do it however you want, just make sure 1 can is gone by the end of the day.

3. Eat apples, as many as you want, as often as you want. Apples are high in water content and each has 5 grams of fiber. A perfect sandwich. Minimum of 3 apples a day.

4. The rest of the diet is up to you. As long as you follow the 3 rules above, I don’t care too much about the bad things you do. Now, this is not a “free pass” to screw up and eat really bad, but you don’t have to be totally strict with yourself.

How to lose 10 kg exercises

1. Spin

No, not riding around on a stationary bike, going around in circles like you did when you were a kid. Simply turn clockwise, arms outstretched like airplane wings. Spin 5-20 times to get a little dizzy. It is not beneficial to be totally seasick.

Once you get that number of spins, do multiple sets of spins with that number throughout the day.

This works for weight loss because spinning teaches the endocrine system to be more balanced with its hormones and hormone releases. Since you most likely have unbalanced hormones, twists help unlock your ability to lose weight fast due to balanced hormones.

There’s more to it than that, but due to limited space, I can’t give you all the details. But you can get all the details on the spin by clicking the link below for my free 19-page report.

2. Hindu squats

Hindu squats cause a massive oxygen deficit within your body. This works great for fat loss because it prompts your body to plunder your body fat for the instant source of energy it needs. What you do is go up and down from the squat as fast as possible, without weights. Touch the ground with your fingertips with each rep.

This is the best way to lose 10 kg in a month with diet and exercises.

Your goal is to do 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes.

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