How to chart your path to greatness

It’s true that things can go wrong in the world for other people, but if you can’t change it for other people, you should do it yourself. The Bible says in Psalms 34:19 “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.” You can live above the challenges. You can be an oasis of love in a troubled world. A light in the dark place! I tell you that nothing can keep you poor if you decide not to be poor because Christ raised you up and you are sons and daughters of the living God. You are sitting with him in the heavenly realms.

The choice is yours …

After being born again, the only reason to remain poor is to CHOOSE. Life goes beyond trying to earn a living for yourself and your family. The most selfish people are those who think only of themselves and their families. Think about affecting your world. When God spoke to Abraham, He told him that He would make him great and that he too was a seed. The good news is that because he is an heir, the promises made to Abraham were made to Christ and to those of us who believe in him.

There are 3 ways to be great;

You can be born great

You can achieve greatness

Greatness can be bestowed upon you

Jesus Christ had the 3 forms of greatness and He gave them to all who believe in Him. You were born great in Christ Jesus.

How do you walk the path of greatness that God has planned?

I’ll start by letting you know that not many people ever travel the path that God has laid out for them. Although they sometimes achieve success and greatness, they never live a full life. They even end up losing everything sometimes because they didn’t walk in God’s way for their lives.

Hear the cry of the needy

This is the first step towards greatness. The reason there are so many poor people in Africa is because many times, when they hear the cry of someone in need, they are too hard to walk and pass. For example, someone could be trapped in a burning house, but instead of helping, the first thing that comes to mind is to flee for their own lives. They think about saving themselves first. Moses was moved by the cry of his people even before God called him. Another remarkable thing is that when God called Moses, He told him that he had been called because he had heard the cry of His people.

You must learn to listen to the cry of those in need. The cry of his pain, sadness and poverty; When you learn, these things will start to change. Until you do this, you will not have started on the path of greatness. Greatness is for those who are attuned to the cry of those in need.

Be decided

This means making a decision. You cannot say that you want to follow Jesus and are living in fornication. You cannot be hot and cold to God at the same time.

“Revelation 3:16 – Then, as you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

See the invisible

The glory in the name of Jesus cannot be seen with our optical eyes. Seeing the invisible means having faith like Moses. Faith is always constant.

“2 Corinthians 4:18 – since we do not look at the things that are seen, but at those that are not seen. Because the things that are seen are temporary (temporary), but those that are not seen are eternal”.

Can you see the invisible? We have been given an invisible kingdom that the world cannot see, but we can. For example, when the Bible says that we have been resurrected together with Christ in Ephesians 2: 6, do you believe it or do you see it as a fiction? The kingdom to which we belong is more real than this world.

“Ephesians 2: 6 – And one he raised us up, and one he made us sit in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”

Accept the Mandate

Although Moses tried to argue with God when he was called, he finally accepted the command when he saw that God was not going to change his mind.

In Acts 22: 5-15, Paul is an example of someone who accepted the command. Galatians 1: 15-16. Some have refused to accept God’s call and keep running like Jonah. But really, how long and how far can you run? Whatever God has called you to do is the best thing in life. Learn to say: Yes, Lord! There is a place for everyone to have great success in God.

Be filled with the spirit

Some have accepted the mandate but have neglected the person of the Holy Spirit. The one with the power to make them great. Without the Holy Spirit, you will be frustrated. Without Him, you are limited to what man can do, but with the Holy Spirit everything is possible. In Philippians 4:13, Paul says: I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. It makes no difference even if you have no money. Thank God for the ability to speak in other languages. It feels heavenly. As we are always advised to charge every newly purchased mobile phone, but that is not the only time we charge the phone. We always charge our phone when the battery is running low or running low. A phone is really useless when it is not charged.

John 14:15; Jesus said: I will not leave you helpless. It will arrive at the point where you need it most. It will not leave them orphans. Let the Holy Spirit be your friend, enjoy communion with Him. He is that friend closer than a brother.

Walk the path of greatness that God has planned for you with the Holy Spirit. You’re great! You are powerful!

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