How do I get back with my ex girlfriend? Communication is key to any relationship

How can I get my ex girlfriend back? Ask yourself: how did you communicate? It is important to share here one of the most common underlying reasons for breakups and that is: poor communication.

You may think, No, it was sex or cheating or money problems, etc., but read this:

The ability to communicate effectively began long before elementary school began. It’s a simple but fundamental habit known as READING.

As a reader, you develop communication skills. Bad readers are bad communicators. Reading in general increases your awareness of what is happening and your ability to respond. The words and ideas that flood your brain sharpen your communication skills, and the ability to convey thoughts, feelings, values, opinions, desires, needs, joys, and frustrations stems from your mastery of language. You cannot communicate if words fail you. A person who does not read is usually not able to use the necessary vocabulary to express ideas. Consequently, the non-reader normally says little of any consequence. If you are a poor communicator, start reading further. Self-help books are a great place to start.

Absence usually makes the heart grow fond

Another answer to the question, How do I get back with my ex girlfriend?

Make yourself scarce. Disappear from his sight. The time they spend away from her gives them both a chance to think less emotionally and more objectively. Focus on other things. But not self-destructive stuff, you know what we’re talking about here. If the breakup was directly related to his behavior, then set a goal to correct that aspect of his behavior and, until you’ve made progress in that area, trying to get back together too soon will only make the situation worse.

So focus on something worthwhile that you enjoy doing, or maybe even something that could make you a better person in general, like reading good content for at least 20 minutes every day.

– The main thing here is to keep busy with productive things. An idle mind is the perfect breeding ground for sadness, depression, and self-pity. So keep busy.

Getting back together: a mutual benefit?

And another thing you might not want to think about: if they got back together, would that be the best thing for her? Do you want to restore the relationship you once had just because that’s what you want? Have you considered her feelings? Is it better with you or without you?

When you were together, were you happy together? Or was one of you always miserable?

You may have met couples like this: one of them always nervous, afraid to say the wrong thing or act in a certain way because it upsets the other person, to the point where a seemingly innocuous statement or action ends in a screaming match . or worse.

This is a horrible way to spend life. The point is, if you can’t honestly say that my ex girlfriend would be much better off with me than without me, it’s time to move on. But if you feel in your heart that getting back together is best for both of you, then do whatever it takes to try to get back together.

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