home remedies for bad breath

Halitosis, as it is referred to by the medical profession, is such a common problem that people often seek home remedies for bad breath. It is caused by bacteria that live on the gums and tongue and turn into sulfuric gases.

There are a number of causes for this condition, including digestive problems, smoking, respiratory infections, diabetes and sinus inflammation, and eating spicy foods. This especially applies to dishes containing blue cheese, onion, pepperoni, and garlic. Foods that contain selenium may also be responsible. These include kidneys, shellfish, liver, and hearts. Fish can also cause problems, especially if it’s not cooked.

If you suffer from bad breath, then it’s a good idea to check for any underlying conditions that are causing the problem, such as an ulcer or common indigestion that may be responsible.

Physiological processes that cause hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, the release of eggs or the period, can also be the cause.

Too many cups of coffee or a very dry mouth can even cause bad breath, so don’t skip meals, as this reduces the amount of saliva you produce and will make your breath smell worse.

Some common sense precautions, such as keeping your tongue clean, brushing your teeth thoroughly, and rinsing your mouth often with clean water, can help alleviate the problem. But if you have gum disease or pyorrhea, the problem is more than likely caused by the discharge of pus from the root of your teeth and gums.

If this is the case, do not delay in seeking the advice of a dentist, as your teeth may fall out and you may experience gastritis and fever if the infection is severe and pus is swallowed. Herbal medicines that work well include brushing your teeth with young neem twigs or the root of the banyan tree.

Vegetables like potatoes and bitter gourd (Karela) are helpful in reducing odor, as is gourd when eaten regularly.

Other home remedies for bad breath include drinking chamomile tea or blanching parsley and drinking it several times a day, or if you like the taste, you can regularly chew sprigs of parsley, fennel, aniseed or cardamom.

Triphala powder is an Ayurvedic medicine that contains three fruits, including the Indian gooseberry. It is laxative and an effective blood purifier. It will correct bad breath if the cause is constipation or poor digestion.

Mouthwashes are often used to address this problem and you can make an herbal mouthwash using a tincture or infusion of spearmint, sage, rosemary, basil, lemon verbena, anise seed, lavender, bergamot, fennel, tarragon, coriander and basil. . You don’t have to use all of them, just what’s available.

Mixing equal parts water and apple cider vinegar can make another powerful mouthwash. This preparation lowers the PH of your saliva and will destroy the bacteria that causes the bad smell.

Sucking on a cinnamon stick acts as a mouth antiseptic and eating orange peel will stimulate saliva flow, but it’s best to buy organic oranges that haven’t been sprayed with any chemicals.

An old favorite to freshen your mouth is to chew gum or suck on mints or lozenges, but one of the best home remedies for bad breath is to brush your teeth with baking soda.

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