Green tea miracles

The Chinese feel that there is no other food or drink that has as many health benefits compared to green tea. They have known about this miracle drink since ancient times and have been using it to treat all possible health problems, from depression to headaches.
Green tea is useful for:

o Cancer

o Arthritis

o High cholesterol levels

o Cardio Vascular Disease

o Infection

or increases immunity

Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate, which is a powerful antioxidant. This reduces the growth of cancer cells without damaging healthy tissues. It also reduces aging, making it one of the healthiest drinks available on the market.
This tea is grown organically using traditional drying methods thus avoiding all the negative effects of fermentation. Green tea also increases potency levels. Green tea promotes weight loss by increasing the number of calories burned. It also reduces bad breath by killing odor-forming bacteria. It is confirmed that drinking two to three cups of green tea can give you good, fresh breath.

The tea rekindles memories and follows the three E’s for pleasure, essential health benefits, and energy, making it one of the most popular beers.
Enjoy and Satisfaction

Green tea provides a calming effect and great pleasure. It has a delicate flavor that can complement breakfast, lunch or dinner. Green tea with honey can also be served as a sweetener after a heavy meal. It can also be served hot or cold or in the form of shakes or hits. It can be enjoyed both in summer and winter with the same delicacy.

Aside from enjoyment, green tea also provides energy and vigor. It is a great drink for a lazy afternoon. In smaller doses, it really works wonders, increasing energy and reducing feelings of anxiety. During tea breaks at the office, instead of a normal coffee or tea, switch to green tea, so that you are completely full of energy. You can also keep drinking green tea and even lose weight, doesn’t that sound great?
Health benefits

Green tea provides many health benefits, according to tea enthusiast Christopher Freville in Belgium. He says it is packed with antioxidants that produce free radicals, which increase the body’s natural metabolic processes. Green tea also helps heal minor cuts and rashes and is also effective for sunburns. It also prevents tooth decay. The secret of green tea lies in its rich catechin polyphenols which is a powerful antioxidant. This ingredient also inhibits the growth of cancer cells without damaging any normal healthy tissue. Catechin polyphenols also lower LDL cholesterol levels and prohibit the formation of blood clots. It also reduces heart attacks and strokes. Research has also shown that when men are given a combination of black and green tea extract, they tend to lose more calories compared to those given placebo. Green tea can also prevent health hazards caused by food poisoning as it kills bacteria. Many skin creams are made with green tea extract.
Damaging effects

To date, there is nothing negative about green tea other than causing insomnia in some consumers. This applies to people who consume more than eight ounces in a day. So go ahead and enjoy the miracle drink without any guilt!

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