Ecological laundry detergent of the future

Many new, green and innovative ideas and products have emerged in the last decade; covering all areas of the market, from eco-friendly furniture to new state-of-the-art eco-friendly wash balls or wash balls used to make laundry more eco-friendly. What are laundry balls? one might wonder. A laundry ball is a laundry product that essentially replaces laundry soap. Although ball designs may vary; Most have one thing in common: they replace the need for laundry soap and provide clean, eco-friendly clothes!

Eco-friendly wash balls typically use a green ceramic-based granule wash design inside the balls; of which it is capable of cleaning and disinfecting cloths; just like traditional laundry soap does. Once the ceramic granules are introduced into the water inside the washing machine; they immediately go to work providing eco-laundry. The granules inside the laundry ball cause a chemical reaction with the water; effectively altering the ph of the water with almost the same effect as laundry soap. The most notable benefit of altering the ph level within the water is that it helps the Wash Ball remove oils and dirt from clothing.

Most Eco Washing Balls work like this; the granules located inside the Eco laundry ball itself emit a special infrared ray stream; of which aid in the decomposition of naturally occurring hydrogen in water. in gasoline; the granules inside the laundry ball break up the big clumps of hydrogen inside the water and form a bunch of little clumps. The reason why small clusters are ideal is because with small ones the molecular movement of water increases; finally allowing water to easily penetrate the fibers within the fabrics; basically turbo charging the water for green laundry applications.

In addition to the ecological washing manipulation of the ph level of the water and the decomposition of the large hydrogen groups in the water; Eco Washing Ball granules emit negative ions that help soften all the fibers of the cloths. By softening the fibers, in combination with the other aspects; Eco Washing Balls allow dirt to come off cloths faster, cleaner and easier; providing 100% Green Laundry. Using washing balls; one would not need traditional laundry soap.

There are many different types of laundry soap; but, on average, Procter and Gamble reports that the United States launders about 100 million tons of laundry a year. That works out to about 35 billion loads of laundry every year. A separate report, published by The Coin Laundry Assn, states that there are approximately 35,000 coin-operated laundromats located in the United States. While the average load of laundry costs about $0.14 per load; while Eco Washing Balls can do the same job; providing practically the same results; for about $0.04 per load from Eco Green Laundry.

Newer, greener models of eco-friendly laundry balls are reportedly good for up to 1,000 loads of laundry. Most laundry balls can be used in front-loading or top-loading machines. Eco-friendly laundry balls are available in many different sizes and shapes. Laundry balls do not use any harmful chemicals; that it reduces the allergic reactions that some people experience when using traditional laundry soap and the effect that washing clothes has on the environment; effectively providing completely clean Green Laundry.

For most Eco Washing Balls, it is recommended to place them in the sun for 3-5 hours once a month to replenish the unit’s natural and powerful core; the granules; in an effort to provide the user with continuous Green Laundry. After excessive use; the granules will begin to shrink in size. It is also recommended to replace the eco wash balls once the granules reach a reduced size of around 50%.

Some laundry balls are made with absolutely no PVC or BPA; being built in an environmentally friendly way using green materials such as SEBS. By providing an eco-friendly alternative to laundry soap; Washing balls are quickly becoming popular as they provide an economical, energy efficient and nature preserving green cleaning solution.

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