Dog Dominance Behavior – Don’t Touch Me!

Don’t you hate those squeaky little things that hit your ankles? One of the frequent challenges in modifying the behavior of dogs is working with those dogs that express the instinctive behavior of the dog to compete for position in the pack, his family, through actions of aggression, dominance of the dog. If your dog snaps or lunges when disturbed by human contact, then you have a problem with the dog’s obnoxious dominance behavior. Be of good cheer though, because it CAN be resolved. Here’s an example to show you how to change that unwanted dog behavior.

“She bites when disturbed!” said the distraught owner about his little Jack Russell Terrier, “Bitsy.”

I let the dog smell me, but I didn’t pet her. I have to achieve my goal before sharing affection. This dog had no relationship with me at the time either, so walking was the best way to build one. Otherwise, I could bite if I touched her or tried to work with her, in an effort to try to control myself. That is a typical pattern with those prone to aggression, the dominance of dogs. If I don’t set some rules, she will try to tell me what her rules are.

Bitsy threw a tantrum, standing on her hind legs, writhing, screaming, for the first five minutes of our walk. He tried all the tricks, but it didn’t work, so he finally submitted and walked behind me. After a thirty minute walk, I brought her back inside. Then I did a couple of basic exercises to remind him that he was now the “queen bee” in this house!

I tapped Bitsy lightly with my foot. She snapped aggressively and pounced on him. So I put her on the floor until she calmed down. She was a very determined little girl and we had to repeat the exercise many times before she gave in to me and walked away from my foot. I repeated the exercise touching her with other parts of my body until she pulled away each time. He had to submit to every part of me!

Some dogs do not like to be touched when disturbed. However, there is simply no excuse to insult the owner, and that dominating dog behavior should stop immediately before it escalates.

I always teach my dogs, and the others I work with in dog obedience training, to wait for permission to receive affection. As difficult as it may seem at first, I don’t caress them when they push me or push me in any way. I always give correction for demanding. So the dog lies down or walks away and comes back to me when invited. The dog soon learns that calm and obedient behavior is what is rewarded.

Being the leader of the pack is about being RESPONSIBLE, not pleasing your dog. If I let a dog demand me, it will not withdraw when visitors are present. Worse still, he would lose the position of pack leader! What if we are faced with a critical situation on the road, or if an unruly dog ​​is thrown out the door when it is opened? They could kill him right in front of me, and there’s nothing I can do. Only the Leader of the Pack position can provide the control necessary to avoid such things.

Telling your dog where to walk, when to eat, when to come or stay … These are all things the dog would learn in a pack. Dogs respond well to discipline and expect it from their leader. It gives them limits and makes them feel safe. They deserve it!

So, for peace and harmony in your home and a correct relationship with your dog, take your position as leader of the pack and get their respect. He will love you for it, respect you, and give in to your wishes without any display of dog bite, aggressive dog dominance, or other unwanted dog behavior. You don’t have to live with it, and neither does he.

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