Do you suffer from writer’s block?

I enjoy browsing the web and reading articles that others have written. As I read the article flows so smoothly and my mind reacts to the words of the article. If I am doing keyword research or reading an article about the latest trend in Amazon marketing, my mind starts traveling and I get energized and start my adventure because of the knowledge I gained from the article.

So I start to think, I could do this since I have a lot of knowledge to share from things I’ve learned and tried that worked or didn’t work.

I open a Word document excited to help someone else with my knowledge… then IT HAPPENS; my mind goes blank. All those great thoughts and knowledge that I have just don’t come out. My open Word document is there waiting for me to add words to its bright clean workspace and fill it with my thoughts. He will patiently wait for me to write; he doesn’t get in a bad mood or say anything to me like… at any time you can start writing.

How is it possible that my mind is filled with so much knowledge, and yet my Word document is blank? I must be suffering from writer’s block or maybe I have too much knowledge, I don’t know where to start.

One thing I’ve learned to help with my own writer’s block is to make short notes on topics. I use a program called Evernote, it allows me to take notes, put things into categories, this helps me organize my thoughts. I can then start adding additional notes to my original notes and then before I know it I have a collection of thoughts and notes that would make for a great article. I just read my notes processing the information, as I read this it generates other ideas I didn’t think of and add them to my original organized notes.

To put your notes into an article, take a section of your notes and read it through, then expand the section by adding additional information to your original thoughts. Think about the questions that might arise from the information you are providing and fill in the details. Share some of your own experiences that you gained when you first learned the knowledge you are sharing. As you fill out sections with additional content, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your article will complete, and your writers block has taken a backseat for a while.

So if you’ve ever found yourself suffering from writer’s block, just start writing notes. Then at a later time go back to your notes and read through them, your mind will be ignited with new energy allowing you to fill in the additional knowledge you can share in the article.

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