Child Custody Evaluations: Dos and Don’ts for Parents

If you are in the middle of a child custody battle, you may be facing a custody evaluation as part of the court proceeding. Appraisal meetings can be challenging, especially when you don’t know what to do, which can further complicate your case. However, it is very important to understand that the person evaluating your child custody case will have recommendations that are not legally required in any way. But his suggestions and advice carry a lot of weight and could very well convince the judge for or against the custody agreement he hopes to get.

Going out of your way to present yourself as favorable is not a bad thing; it is completely natural. But as a parent, you need to know the dos and don’ts of child custody evaluations.


1. Show a willingness to work with your ex-wife – There are some parents who have lost child custody battles simply because they demonstrated a lack of collaborative effort and cooperation with each other. Remember that you don’t have to like your ex, but keep in mind that they are still a part of your child’s life, so you need to prove to the court your ability to work together.

two. Talk to your child(ren) about what to expect: It is never easy for a child to have feuding parents. They may also hesitate to meet with the evaluator for fear of saying the wrong thing. Explain clearly that the evaluator’s role is to help you and your ex-wife learn how to collaborate more effectively, and that there are no “right” or “wrong” answers to the questions you will be asked.

3. Learn about family law. check the child custody laws that are relevant to the state you live in so you know what to expect beforehand.

Four. Prepare your documentation – In cases where you truly believe that your children’s safety will be at stake with your partner, for example because she has a history of physical abuse, then you should carefully document your interactions with your children, as well as with yourself.

5. Be yourself – Don’t worry about putting on a good show. Instead, be honest and, more importantly, be yourself. Be specific and answer only what was asked.


1. Do not prepare your children to say certain things – This never ends well. If the evaluator suspects that she has taught her children to say specific things, she will suspect that she is hiding something or trying to take advantage of the system.

two. Don’t talk bad about your ex wife – Avoid any opportunity to allow yourself to speak negatively about your ex. The pro has heard it all before, and it just shows that you’re not ready to cooperate.

3. Do not go against court orders – Lastly, be very careful during the evaluation process to make sure you don’t go against court rules or violate any orders related to parenting time or visitation.

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