Car rental gas service option: is it wise?

That statement in one form or another has been a part of car rentals from the beginning. In the early days, it was a matter of straightforward principle. He used it, he replaces it. Sometime between then and now, someone realized that “you can make a lot of money off your gas tank on rents.

For those of you who don’t know, let’s explain your car rental refueling options. When you rent a car, the car usually comes with a full tank of gas. In some circumstances, it comes with a partially full tank. In either case, the rental company will give you three options. Bring it back to the same level you got it, (full) prepay a full tank of gas (GSO) and bring it empty, or bring it empty and pay a more expensive cost per gallon refueling fee (FSO) omitted.

The Fuel Service Option (FSO) is almost always the most expensive option. Along the California coast, most cities have FSO charges of around $ 5.99 per gallon (and with recent prices even higher). Across the country, it’s not much better. While your mileage may vary from the actual price per gallon, FSO charges are almost always a good dollar per gallon more expensive than the current GSO (prepaid) rate or the rate at local service stations. It may seem like there is no good reason to use FSO, but there is. While the majority of FSO users are people with more money than time or people who forgot to fill their gas tank, there is a segment in which it is cheaper to use this service than any other.

If you have a discount code, it may be due to your employer. Some employers, like Microsoft and government contracts like Lockheed Martin, have negotiated rates that charge the same dollar amount to refuel across the country. Depending on the market, it may not be that bad. In one circumstance, a friend of mine who worked for one of the companies mentioned went on a trip to Kona, Hawaii. On that trip, the fuel service option refueling price was less than the per gallon prices of all local gas stations within 5 miles of the airport. In that case, it is always better to return the car as is.

At the other end of the spectrum, the GSO option is a full tank of prepaid gas at a specific rate. In most car rental agencies, the GSO price is the average of the three closest gas stations. Using this average, multiply the tank capacity by that number and offer it as a flat rate to fill the tank. But the buyer beware. If your tank isn’t completely empty when you return it, you don’t get a refund for the gas you use. You have actually paid for a full tank of gas and if it is not “empty” upon return, you have just given free gas to the car rental agency.

So to recap, when should you use FSO (Fuel Service Option)?

  • Only when you have no other choice
  • Only when your company discount gives you a special rate for refueling
  • For those who have more money than time

And when should you refuel with the GSO option?

  • Trips where you know you will have the car for more than a week
  • Trips you know you will drive more than 400 miles
  • When you know that you will have little time to return

Some final tips. When you leave the rental area, make a note of the closest gas station. If you have time, it is often good to drive straight and refuel to make sure it is fully full when you have it. Many of today’s tanks allow up to 50-100 miles before the needle drops below capacity. If the agency indicated that the tank is full, the nozzle should click almost immediately (3/10 gallon). But to be a fee, you really don’t have to worry if it’s less than 3/4 of a gallon unless 85 cents is enough to argue and waste 20 minutes. If you put in more than that, take the receipt to the counter when you return the car and get the amount of gas deducted from the bill.

If you have a GPS unit, lock out the location of the nearest car rental area and gas station to save you time when returning. Some of the best-made plans are ruined by getting lost trying to get back to the airport. If you are traveling in a group, assign a person to look for the rental car return signs, the exit ramp, the closest restaurant, among other things you may need on your way back to the airport.

Under no circumstances should you buy the most expensive grade of gasoline! Let me repeat it in clearer terms. for cheap gas. All car rental agencies buy the cheapest gasoline allowed by law. Don’t feel guilty about filling that car with a more expensive grade of gasoline. The car will break down and sell for abuse long before the gas causes problems in the car.

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