Canine obesity It is your responsibility to control your dog’s diet

Canine obesity has become a serious health problem that affects all dog breeds around the world. According to research, the numbers go as high as 44% of all dogs are now overweight or obese, and with these numbers, we can no longer afford to ignore the problem of canine obesity in our culture.

The good news is that canine obesity is completely preventable and also treatable for those dogs that have already succumbed to its clutches. As with humans, the problem with canine obesity often stems from lack of education and sometimes neglect. So if you’re willing to learn and put in the effort it takes to achieve results, you can give your dog the gift of a healthy life and a quality lifestyle.

So where do you start when trying to conquer canine obesity? It is first important to assess your dog’s condition and assess the level of obesity in your dog. You should know that there is more to judging a dog’s level of obesity than how much they weigh. Although this can be used as a tool, it is simply not accurate enough to determine the obesity status of each and every dog.

To begin with, each dog is a unique individual even though it is part of a specific breed. Just like humans, they have unique qualities in size, color, shape, etc. so no two are exactly alike. This is why a simple weight measurement cannot determine if your dog is obese or not.

The first thing to determine is if your dog needs to be on a doggy diet. You will need to check if you can feel your dog’s waist, ribs, and tail bones. If you’re having a hard time feeling them, your dog probably needs to lose a few pounds.

You should also try to see your dog from different angles, such as from the side. From this angle there should be a definite differentiation between the waist and just behind our dog’s ribs. In other words, your dog’s stomach should not hang down causing it to hang even with the ribs, it should be tucked in and tight.

Another factor in a dog’s obesity is the effect it has on his overall health. When your dog carries extra weight, it weakens his body, such as his joints and cartilage, which can lead to injury. It also puts stress on their organs like the heart, which can lead to serious complications if they have to have surgery, and in everyday life, the heart has to work harder to pump blood to the body. It also increased other heart risks for your dog.

Perhaps the most troublesome issue is that the heart simply has to work that much harder to pump blood to all parts of an obese dog’s body, and as such, congestive heart failure is much more likely. Obesity can lead to other serious health problems, including diabetes, arthritis, endocrine disease, and eventually death.

Once you’ve determined your dog’s condition and level of obesity, it’s time to find out why your dog is overweight. In general, the reason is very simple, it is that the dog is eating more than he needs and is not getting enough exercise. It is most likely unintentional and the result of an uneducated pet parent being the cause of a bad dog diet.

Many of us today love to spoil our precious dogs and that often means treating our dogs with too many treats and too much food. To correct this, it is important to buy quality dog ​​food and read the information on the label. This will give you a general idea of ​​how much to feed your dog, but you’ll need to take into account your and your dog’s lifestyle, activity level, exercise, age, and health.

Again, you need to remember that it is not one size fits all and the instructions should be considered as a guide and you can always get more information from your vet. It is absolutely your responsibility as a pet parent to monitor your dog’s diet and ensure that dog obesity does not become a problem. By offering your dog a healthy diet, you are giving him a long, healthy and quality life.

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