Can grounding help you create more abundance?

In yoga and many other energy-based healing arts modalities, we work with the chakras, a Sanskrit word that literally means “wheel” or “turn.” A chakra, or “energy wheel,” is a center of activity that generates, assimilates, and expresses life force energy, or prana. The chakra system is a map of the subtle or energetic body, a diagram of where and how the body, mind and emotions intersect. They also represent the evolution of the human psyche and our emotional and spiritual development.

Each chakra also has a designated sense, that is, the sense of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Although there are many chakras, it is the seven main chakras found along the central channel of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head, that are primarily addressed by most yogis and practitioners of healing arts. here in the West.

The best way I have been able to explain the chakras is that their function is to help us interpret life and help us project ourselves energetically and emotionally into our environment. We use our chakras to digest what is going on in and around us. According to some energy healers, the chakras correlate with our endocrine system, which is responsible for the glands that produce and regulate our hormones.

The principles of Polarity Therapy, which comes from Ayurvedic medicine, say that each chakra has a corresponding element; earth, water, fire, air and ether. For this article, I will be discussing the first chakra, also known as the root chakra, which corresponds to the earth element.

The 1st chakra is associated with everything that has to do with the satisfaction of our basic needs to survive, that is, food, water, clothing and shelter. The sense of smell corresponds to this chakra. Think about it. How do animals survive in the wild? They rely on their keen sense of smell to find prey and avoid predators. Of all our senses, our sense of smell is the most developed when we are born, probably to identify our mother, our main source of survival as babies.

In our culture, issues related to the 1st chakra have to do with money, income, and feelings of security. The positive aspect of the 1st chakra is feeling safe and confident and the negative aspect is feeling fear, doubt and not trusting.

Using Young Living Essential Oil’s Abundance™ blend can help with first chakra issues in many ways. When I teach, I share this combination of myrrh, cinnamon bark, frankincense, patchouli, orange, clove, ginger, and fir with students. I think it creates a feeling of confidence and security. It has a sweet, warm, and earthy aroma that is perfect for supporting the root chakra. This blend is made up of myrrh, cinnamon bark, frankincense, patchouli, orange, clove, ginger, and fir.

Before assuming the standing balance poses, place a few drops of Abundance™ on the soles of the feet, the sacrum (the flat bone of the lower back), and the nape of the neck. Then take some time to fully experience its scent. As you inhale this oil, evoke feelings of being strongly grounded, of being safe and secure. The earth element moves slowly. I suggest deliberately slowing down and deepening your breath as you work your way through your balancing poses, such as mountain pose or tree pose.

I also put a few drops in my wallet, in my address book, in our business credit card machine, and on my phone. We have even mixed it into cans of paint, before painting our walls at home and in our studio. Whenever we have it spreading, we have a lot more activity in our office.

Like it or not, this is a “law of attraction” universe, and as we become more aware of how our thoughts and emotions are creating our reality, you can be sure that using therapeutic-grade essential oils combined with your intention is a powerful tool to create. what you want to have the feeling of abundance and wealth will help you create and physically manifest more abundance and wealth.

I think that if there was only one oil that I had to choose to share with others, it would be this blend. As the Bible passage says, “what we sow, we will reap”.

Here is your abundance of all good things!

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