Boxing Styles: The Three Main Types

There are three main types of styles that boxers fall into when boxing. These reflect how they move and how they hit. In general, styles are thought to be a lot like rock-paper-scissors in that one style beats another, while generally losing to the third. However, this has been disproved many times and is only accepted as true.

The first style we will mention is the Brawler. This type of boxer will generally land powerful single punches at his opponent. Many fighters can throw a punch that can knock out an opponent in one hit. The biggest problem with this fighting technique is how slow boxers tend to be to punch. Being so slow, they can be countered much easier.

The next type of style is the Inside Fighter. This type of style is generally played very aggressively and incorporates an “in your face” type of play. The idea is for the boxer to get close and stay close to his opponent and knock him out with multiple quick punches. This is a great class to be used by middleweight boxers.

The last type of style is that of Outside Fighter. Boxers using this type of style will generally stay to the outside of the ring and work to keep their opponents away from them. The idea is to wear down your opponent instead of knocking them out. This style is generally played by lighter class boxers who do not have the strength to land heavy punches.

There are some boxers who have gotten good at using all of these styles to their advantage. By using multiple style types, they can keep their opponent off balance as to how they will play. Some of the best are the Brawlers who can also use good footwork and speed.

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